
Hi! Thank you so much for adding my SaifahZon story ("Past Present Future") to your reading list! I hope you will enjoy all the chapters that are out and the future ones as well! If they meet your expectations maybe you could check my other stories with that couple ;)
          As I said, thank you so much,  leave a feedback if you will! I would truly appreciate it :D


@schoolrulz Oh, please don't worry at all! Just read it whenever you feel like it! I hope you will manage to leave the feedback, whether a positive or negative one, I don't mind :) But I really hope you won't be disappointed haha


@ImaginativeOwl No problem at all! Sorry, I  have not fully read it yet as I was wanted to read it all at once when I got a chance. I will try to leave some feedback on your story and continue to write more SaifahZon stories... if you can. :)


I want you to know you're an amazing friend till death and forever.
          If I don't get this back, I understand
          But, I have a game for you 
          Once you read this letter, you must send this to 25 people including me. 
          If you get at least three back, you're loved!
          Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it. 
          Tonight, right at (12:00 p.m.) the person you love will realize they love you. 
          Then, at 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., be ready for the shock of your life! 
          If you break the chain you will have bad luck 
          With love, send this to 15, if you don't, 
          You will turn ugly for one year. 
          A friend told me to do this, so pass it on
          Tomorrow two boys/girls will ask me if they have your number? 
          Send this to 15 of the nice people or bad luck starts for a whole year 
          This is not fake. 
          Apparently, when you copy and paste this,
          You will have the best day of your life tomorrow!


@PurpleShadow667 I am so having bad luck 


Thank you for voting my book dear... Hope to hear your comment too dear... Enjoy your reading... 


@NurulDnySham Sorry for not making any comments on your book I tend to be a silent reader. I really enjoyed reading your book, I  ended up finishing it in about two days. I was about to comment, but thought why not to tell you here. It was really interesting how you brought in some of the types of dramas I come across when watching some Indian serials. Keep up the good work, I am glad you wrote a story about them I was sad to not be able to see them shipped in the actual drama... Keep up the good work and if you have any books related to them do not hesitate to recommend them to me....


Thank you for following me:-)


@ksemalaxmi how can a K-pop fangirl not let everyone know about kpop :-P 
            I'm glad you enjoyed my book:)


@ksemalaxmi No problem at all keep up the good work enjoyed reading your story and loved how you made the main character be a  K-pop fan girl and one that loves watching Korean dramas.


Hey hi, I have started writing a new book "Aashna ". Read as you get time. Comment and reply . Thank you 


@crazybbwwriter ...comment and vote .so I know you are liking the chapters