bro i just relapsed wtf

I ditched that friend in the last post a while ago. Im doing much better for myself now, im happier, creating a social bubble, i dont feel depressed or even that anxious anymore. People have stopped bullying me, im friends with so many more people, i feel confident in myself, honestly ive never felt better than i do now. :))

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So… i just found out that one of my longest closest friends tecnically sexually assaulted me- or at least sexually harrassed me uhm… SO Idk when but it was probably 5th grade, And like They asked about how to kiss —I bet you can see where this was going— And i was like "oh just kiss the wall or your hand or something” And they were like' "nah its not the same" So they were like "What if we kissed” And i was like "uhmmm" And they were like cmon its fine So, peer pressured, i said okav And so they pulled up a fucking video Of different types of ways to kiss Like stacked lips, french kissing, stuff like that And they set. A fucking GOOGLE TIMER For 1min And like When i opened my eyes to look at the timer They were like "no you gotta keep your eyes closed you cant kiss with your eyes open” >:( So yeah Uhm anyways i sent this to my other friend cause weve kinda been dissing them, realizing they are kinda a bad person But yeah theres random capitalizations bc it was sent as multiple texts

do you ever just like- feel left out? but no one is leaving you out. like basically, my friends are feeling good about themselves? and meanwhile im over here binge watchingn a tv show cause its nice to escape the real world. im not trying to make everything about me, and i feel bad for always making everything negative when my friends are feeling positive. hence why im writing it here instead of texting them. like i just- im proud of them, im happy for them. but why cant anything go my way too? why do my friends get to feel happy and good and i get nothing? idk. i sound really selfish rn.

@the_smartasss how could they be happy without me, basically. it sucks and i hate the feeling.

I completely understand this. Completely. Like you wouldn’t want to take their happiness but like you kinda do at the same time. And your glad that their happy but like why can’t you ever be happy like that. Like why is it that they are happy like that and almost like how are they happy like that

Bro my crush broke this glass thing she got at graduation and i went up to her and was jokingly like: “you barely had it for 5 minutes!” AND SHE GRABBED MY HAND AND WAS LIKE “I KNOW” IN A NICE SWEET WAY BUT LIKE- SHE HELD MY HANDDDD


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Yallllllll so today we played dodgeball in gym AGAIN today, and i was kinda following my crush around like a lovesick puppy(gonna be honest, i basically am) and she said she LIKED it and it was comforting. Also the entire time we kept bumping into eachother and touching and like shoulder to shoulder and she helped me up when i was sitting on the ground(i was out) and i just… AHHHHH i dont know she keeps TOUCHING me and im so touch deprived its great *heart eyes* On a sadder note, she told me about how she had a crush on this guy :/ *sob* but its fine cause we talked about how we were to socially awkward to try and get boyfriends or girlfriends, and we talked about how girls are easier to talk to and stuff. Im starting to think im being (ig unintentionally) friendzoned, but IDK cause im not good with signs and shit so like, IM GETTING MIXED SIGNALS HELP- WHAT DO I DOOOOOOO?!?!?! *cries*

I also ended up liking the same guy at some point thats so funny :0 anyways im friends with her now so friendzone is good ig

Yoooooo so in gym again today, my crush came up to me while i was kicking a soccerball against the wall (just like the other day) and she came up to me and said “hey, need a partner?” And winked at me o-o WHAT- BRO IS SHE FLIRTING NOW?!?!?! The thing is, is she doing it in that friend type of way, (yknow how some friends flirt with eachother as a joke) or is she purposefully flirting?!?!!? HELP IM SO OBLIVIOUS I DONT UNDERSTAND THESE TYPES OF THINGSSSSS

I got her number in like 5th grade, people were handing them out like flyers for a school play XD

@Nnormal41 yes yes, thank you! Advice very much appreciated, i also have her number so i think i could also tell her about being nervous to talk to her for an unknown reason and see how she reacts

@Knyite well flirt back to her in a serious but jokingly way, so incase she gets uncomfortable just let her know you were joking. like you could've said when she asked if you needed a partner "depends on which type of partner" or something lol oooh and compliment her, and be honest, like if she made you stutter, tell her that she made you stutter.. yk ego boost maybe hehehe and she might want to continue doing stuff to get a reaction out of you. also if you're nervous, just tell her that you're nervous for some unknown reason, she'll start to believe that you can trust her with stuff etc also if you can, point out the flirting in a witty way and see how she responds idk idk maybe that was helpful? :)

GUYS TODAY IN GYM MY CRUSH HELD MY WAIST- MY GOD I ALMIST FAINTED So we were playing dodgeball in gym, abd she was the “doctor” so she eould tag people who got hit so they could gwt back up, i took it upon myself to “protect” her as we usually do with the doctor. There was one point where there was a full circle of people around her and i was in front. She was obviously using me as a shield, so she didn’t get hit, and she grabbed my waist/hips to maneuver me around more to her access. I swear i almost fainted i just- UGHHHH i like her soooo muchhhhhhh