
I'm in love with Scorily it's my OTP. I get so mad at people who ship Scorpius and Rose I also hate it when people ship Lily and Teddy. Even if JK Rowling says Scorpius and Rose get married I will continue to ship Scorpius and Lily. I love your story so far


@scily_shipper_4evaaa omg, I totally forgot about this. Ironic that I’m watching a Harry Potter fan film right now 


OMG I SHIP SCILY SO BADLY I HAVE TO READ YOUR FANFICTION OMG. Also, I'm writing a Jily fanfiction, would you care to check it out? That would be very much appreciated thank you so much xx


@isawritesbooks Me too! They like belong together, their fathers disliked each other so it's like destiny. And thank you, I'm glad you like it. :D Of course, I'd love to! xx