
AHOY LOSERS!! please go add @maxmayfieldsactualgf ‘s new book ‘mulberries’ to your library/reading list!! robin buckley x fem!oc  <33


Hi, my name is Stefany, and I wanted to say that I loved your fanfic, it is very well written and the romance with Stanley is incredible. I wanted to ask if you would let me rewrite your fanfic translated into Portuguese?, of course with your permission. Because in fanfics in Portuguese, there's almost no romance with Stanley, and his fic is so incredible that I wanted to bring it to Portuguese. Of course, if you allow it, I will bring you credit.


of course! thats no worries, i’m so glad you liked it


Hey I was wondering if you can make a Richie Tozier x reader story if not that’s ok 


I’ll defo take that into consideration when I’m working on another project :), if I do i’ll make sure to let you know :))


Hey! I’ve decided that im gonna put ‘space girl’ on hold for a bit but i definitely will finish it at some point!
           I’m so so sorry if I disappointed anybody but there will be updates after my upcoming project…
          I’m going to start writing an eddie mulson fic because I’ve literally been obsessed with him recently and I think it would be a nice change from writing IT content =)
          I really am sorry again but you can expect the first chapter soon if you are interested <33


omg my keyboard i meant munson :,))