


@deviancyrestraint  ::    i could never who do you think i am 


a  groan  came  from  the  sharpshooter  ,    his  face  snuggling  deeper  into  the  android  as  he  tried  not  to  hit  him  .    in  a  sort  of  countermeasure  ,    wyatt  pressed  a  kiss  to  the  side  of  his  neck  ,   knowing  that  was  probably  better  then  slapping  his  back  .    well  ,   better  for  himself  .    colin  wouldn’t  be  able  to  feel  it  ,    right  ?   
          (  @deviancyrestraint  ) 


the  fever  wasn’t  the  only  thing  causing  his  face  to  redden  .    it  almost  made  his  heart  melt  with  how  sweet  those  words  were  .    maybe  it  was  more  of  a  heart  ache  actually  .    a  good  heart  ache  .   “  shut  up  .  ”   he  spoke  through  a  soft  laugh  ,   hands  grabbing  at  colin’s  jacket  as  he  always  did  .    it  wasn’t  a  panicked  motion  though  .    he  just  wanted  to  be  as  close  as  possible  .    thank  god  androids  couldn’t  get  sick — 
          (  @deviancyrestraint  )  ::    don’t worry i still just got a cavity from how sweet that was —  


a  weak  bit  of  laughter  slipped  through  his  lips  as  the  hug  was  returned  ,    a  smile  stretching  across  his  face  that  was  close to  the  ones  he  always  wore  .    it  was  probably  the  closest  he’d  get  in  the  next  coming  days  .    “  i  really  don’t  deserve  you  ..  ”   as  he  spoke  ,   he  hid  his  face  in  the  others  neck  ,    sighing  in  contentment .  
          (  @deviancyrestraint  ) 


wyatt  had  opened  his  mouth  a  speak  after  a  moment  of  silence  ,    but  that  silence  was  still  continued  once  the  others  lips  were  placed  upon  his  forehead  .    he  chewed  the  inside  of  his  cheek  ,    humming  bashfully  as  his  arms  freed  themselves  from  the  blankets  that  held  them  .   they  snaked  around  the  androids  shoulders  ,    pulling  him  in  for  as  tight  of  a  hug  as  he  could  give  .    he  normally  wasn’t  very  strong  ,    but  being  ill  just  weakened  him  more .  
          (  @deviancyrestraint  )  


he  allowed  himself  to  be  lifted  ,   once  again  forgetting  that  colin  was  an  android  and  could  probably  lift  things  much  bigger  then  him  .    he  was  practically  a  feather  anyway  .   sort  of  .    “  you’re  really  strong  ..  ”   it  took  him  a  couple  seconds  to  realize  how  stupid  that  sounded  .    a  red  took  over  his  cheeks  as  he  tried  to  shut  up  for  the  rest  of  the  ‘ trip ’  .    as  soon  as  he  was  placed  on  his  bed  ,   he  practically  made  himself  a  burrow  in  the  blankets  and  pillows  he  had  messily  thrown  throughout  .   it  was  clear  that  he  wasn’t  the  most  organized  person  .   if  it  wasn’t  clear  before  ,    that  is  .  
          (  @deviancyrestraint  ) 


wyatt  was  honestly  a  bit  taken  aback  by  the  offer .   maybe  he  shouldn’t  have  been  so  surprised  by  it  ?    honestly  ,    sometimes  he  forgot  that  colin  was  deviant  .    sometimes  he  forgot  that  they  were  even  partners  .   not  because  he  wanted  to  forget —   but  because  everything  was  just  so  comfortable  .   he  always  thought  that  relationships  were  weird  and  pushy  things  ,    but  he  was  proven  very  wrong  when  the  android  came  around  .   colin  proved  him  wrong  about  a  lot  of  things  actually  .     “  ..  could  you  carry  me  ..  ?  ”   he  asked  ,   that  same  humble  tone  being  held  in  his  voice  as  he  looked  up  hopefully  .    that  hope  was  also  sparked  by  the  fact  that  the  medicine  he  had  bought  wasn’t  liquid  .   god  ,    he  hated  that  liquid  stuff  .   just  thinking  about  it  made  him  sick  .   more  sick  .   which  was  ironic  .  
          (  @deviancyrestraint  ) 


an  almost  giddy  sounding  giggle  came  from  him  as  the  affection  was  returned  ,    but  he  quickly  went  back  into  his  sickened  drowsiness  .    he  only  lifted  his  head  at  the  knock  ,   and  again  at  the  box  of  food  being  given  .    he  reached  out  ,    taking  the  glorious  food  like  it  was  a  fragile  baby  .   he  felt  like  he  was  starving  .   “  i  ..  ”   he  hummed  mid  sentence  ,    frowning  ,   “   don’t  wanna  walk  all  the  way  there  ..  ” 
          (  @deviancyrestraint  )