
i    did   agree   to   matching   nails   but   / green /?


             ⠀ ⠀ ooh, i know exactly what i’m gonna do. will you hold out one of your hands for me?


@scornedartist       ✩      you're   the   artist   here.   do   whatever   you   want.


             ⠀ ⠀ do you have a specific design in mind or am i just making it up as i go?


⠀   &&. ⠀ "i  don't  owe  you  an  explanation.   "   the   words   echoed   through   his   living   room   as   they   erupted   from   his   throat.   he'd   left   without   so   much   as   a   text.   which,   in   all   honesty,   was   a   habit   he'd   never   thought   twice   about.   there   hadn't   been   a   place   he   ever   / really /   saw   as   home.   that   made   it   easy   to   drop   everything   at   the   slightest   emotional   change   and   find   himself   hours   away   sipping   a   drink   on   a   beach.
               and   yet,   he   found   himself   here   again.   and   instead   of   the   violent   silence   he   was   always   greeted   with,   he   found   aubrey.   and   for   the   few   moments   he   let   the   mask   drop,   the   wall   crumble,   his   face   could   be   read   like   a   children's   storybook.   there   was   shock   and   maybe   a   little   bit   of   a   / smile /.   not   at   the   disheveled   appearance   looming   back   at   him   but   the   single   fact   that   there   simply   was   someone   to   look   back   at   him.   but   in   a   blink   of   an   eye,   the   mask   was   once   again   in   place.
               he'd   walked   past   her,   throwing   his   bag   on   his   sofa   with   a   small   huff,   and   that's   when   it'd   all   began   tumbling.   it   wasn't   initially   tense   but   he   could   only   go   so   long   before   he   cracked.   vulnerability   wasn't   a   trait   he   was   comfortable   with.


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@scornedartist,⠀   &&. ⠀⠀after   a   handful   of   moments   that   each   felt   like   an   eternity,   he   stepped   back.   he   was   no   stranger   to   romantic   embraces   like   this   and   yet   it   felt   entirely   different.   he'd    left   everything   once   things   got   real;   once   he   realized   that   something   had   rooted   itself   within   his   heart.   and   only   after   coming   back   and   standing   face-to-face   with   her   did   silas   realize   he   didn't   just   / come /   back.   something   pulled   him   back.   attachment.   a   feeling   of   unconditional   acceptance   he   hadn't   felt   before.   a   magnetic   force   pushing   the   two   together.
                  he'd   been   a   runner   for   as   long   as   he   could   remember.   perhaps   it   was   finally   time   to   put   that   habit   to   rest.   or   try,   anyhow.   "i'm   sorry   i   left   without   notice.   "   was   the   first   words   out   of   his   mouth.   the   last   thing   he   wanted   was   for   her   to   assume   the   kiss   was   merely   to   shut   her   up,   so   he   continued.   "i   run   when   shit   gets   too..   deep   i   guess.   and   you,   smiley,   have   got   me   all   sorts   of   fucked   up.   "   he   let   a   smile   shine   through   his   features,   one   that   very   few   people   got   to   see.   "i   left   because   you   make   me   feel   something   new.   and   i'm   not   sure   if   you   noticed,   "   he   paused,   shifting   his   weight   from   one   foot   to   the   other.   "but   i   don't   do   well   with   new,   or   change.   or   really   anything   that   involves   adjusting.   "   he   chuckled,   an   uncharacteristically   nervous   one   for   the   mutant.   man,   if   him   years   ago   could   see   himself   now.   he'd   probably   have   a   stroke.


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@bIoodrun ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ she did find reasons not to leave him, she didn’t even have to /try/ to do so before today. it had come easy to her after their first few meetups, even though he’d admitted to her from their first meet that he liked to be an asshole for fun, it was made clear that it wasn’t necessarily his fault. still, when he’d left with no warning and then had come in with that soul-crushing statement, she tried her hardest to not let him push her away. with his sudden silence though, it felt to her like she failed. like there was no more them anymore.
             ⠀ the idea of that terrified her for so many more reasons than one, but the main fact was that she couldn’t bear a world where she didn’t have him in it. he’d been her only real connection she had for herself, the only presence she truly valued in her own little world. and to think it all started in a park, somewhere she often was but had never noticed him until he spoke out of nowhere. how crazy that one conversation between them about her art would turn into an argument in his condo— what a world.
             ⠀ she didn’t falter when he’d pushed himself off of the wall, though her breath did hitch just a little bit. she wasn’t terrified of him, she just hadn’t been expecting it given his silence was deafening. feeling his slightly colder hands on her warmer face though? it was… kind of nice, actually. grounding, if you would. slightly teary eyes stared into the mutant’s, trying to guess what he could possibly be thinking before he’d kissed her. at first, she hadn’t even kissed him back, only wondering what caused it.
             ⠀ oh, who cared what caused it! it was happening and that was enough for her to carefully wrap her arms around silas and finally return his kiss.


⠀   he   hesitated   a   moment,   something   he   hadn't   ever   done,  before   locking   eyes   with   the   painter   and   pressing   their   lips   together.   and   for   once,   this   reaction   wasn't   driven   by   selfishness   or   a   desire   to   escape   reality.   no,   this   was   driven   by   something   far   less   logical   than   that;   his   heart.


⠀   &&. ⠀⠀you   made   this?   of   me?


@scornedartist,⠀   &&. ⠀⠀i'm   not   surprised.   your   work   speaks   for   itself.     (     she   picked   it   up   gingerly,   her   fingers   delicately   running   over   the   edges.      )     how   much   for   it?


             ⠀⠀ i’m glad you like it, that really means a lot to me. uh, i did! though it was through a full scholarship, so i don’t have to worry about student loans for that or anything.


@scornedartist,⠀   &&. ⠀⠀are   you   kidding?   it's..   / amazing /.   i   love   it.   you're   incredibly   talented,   did   you   go   to   school   for   this?


⠀   &&. ⠀⠀you   make   it   a   habit   of   painting   in   public   spaces?


@scornedartist,⠀   &&. ⠀⠀"i've   noticed.   i'll   grow   on   you   though.   i   always   do.   "   he   turned   his   attention   back   to   the   painting   entirely.   the   little   things?   he   looked   over   the   piece   again.   and   sure   enough,   upon   a   further   glance,   he   noticed   more   intricate   details   embedded   within   the   background.   of   course,   he   preferred   his   interpretation   but   that   was   neither   here   nor   there.   "little   things.   very   on   the   nose   but   i've   heard   worse.   "   he   replied   lightheartedly.


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             ⠀⠀ “i think there are certain situations where someone’s allowed to be an asshole, but when it’s just because they feel like being one? that’s unjustified and i can’t tolerate it,” she admitted with a half-hearted shrug, biting at the inside of her cheek in an attempt to think. it wasn’t what she had intended, not really anyway, but that’s what art was. what the person viewing it felt from the painting, how THEY interpreted it. sure, the artist could have a idea for it, but it’s what the person seeing it that matters most. well, at least to her. “it’s not what i intended, but it’s what you saw. to you, that is what this painting is about. to me, though? it’s the beauty of the little things in life, things that seem so insignificant that they’re overlooked.”


@scornedartist,⠀   &&. ⠀⠀"would   you   prefer   i   did   it   out   of   necessity?   motive   shouldn't   really   matter   when   the   outcome   remains   the   same,   hmm?   "   he   replied,   watching   her   reaction   as   she   thought   over   his   words.   he   couldn't   help   but   raise   his   eyebrows   and   smile.   it   was   honestly   a   little   hilarious   to   see   her   momentarily   stunned.   "there's   no   way   that's   what   you   intended.   what   did   you   think   it   represented?  "   he   wondered,   his   blue   eyes   narrowing   slightly.


welcome to nelson, murdock, and page. how can i help you?
          // i haven’t portrayed her in so long so we’re making this easy on me lmao


             ⠀⠀ i’m all right with waiting, i just— i don’t want to leave until i have my answer on if they’re willing to represent me? i really hope that makes sense.


we should hopefully be able to, but both nelson and murdock are in a meeting right now, so you will unfortunately have to wait.


             ⠀⠀ i need a damn good lawyer and i’ve heard great things about you guys, so i’m hoping you’ll help. i have money, but not very much.
            *   i love it, even if it’s considered going easy on you lmao