
I won't be updating for a long time, and I  mean long, I have a lot of things to do and I don't even remember the last time I was actually on here to be honest, and truthfully, I don't even know what's going on in my book. I don't remember any of the details of it or anything, so I need to take time and read through it so that I know what's going on and then I can figure out where I want to go with it, I'm sorry guys!


I won't be updating for a long time, and I  mean long, I have a lot of things to do and I don't even remember the last time I was actually on here to be honest, and truthfully, I don't even know what's going on in my book. I don't remember any of the details of it or anything, so I need to take time and read through it so that I know what's going on and then I can figure out where I want to go with it, I'm sorry guys!


Hey guys I'm really sorry I haven't posted in awhile, and I won't be posting for a little bit! I have a lot to do at the moment with school and whatever love life I have going on, so until I update again, you'll just have to be patient with me. I'm sorry, but just hang in there! 


Please update my life now even a short one will be fine , I cried my eyes out reading that Ian had killed himself and omg  and now his son dies AND TAMMY F***ING TEXTS HIM " OH WELL YOU KNOW YOUR SONS DEAD " (I know the text wasn't that) Like omg please update 


♥ Post ♥ this ♥ on ♥ anyone's ♥ profile ♥ who ♥ made ♥ you ♥ smile ♥ somewhere, ♥ sometime ♥ in ♥ your ♥ life ♥ it ♥ may ♥ surprise ♥ you, ♥ but ♥ check ♥ out ♥ how ♥ many ♥ will ♥ send ♥ you ♥ one ♥ back, ♥ thanks ♥ for ♥ making ♥ me ♥ smile. ♥


I am working on books; "My Last Year. Maybe", "Why Him?" and "My Life Now." The book "Why him?" Will be up before Christmas, along with "My Life Now." I can't promise anything on "My Last Year. Maybe" Because I don't have any ideas right now and I am just going to focus on the other two for now. Be expecting about two updates before, or on Christmas.


Hey guys... I know my book is not popular, or that good.. But I have decided that I will not update until I get at least 20 reads on my last chapter.. Sorry for the people who actually read it... But if you want me to update, then share the story.. Tell people and tell them to tell people. Kay? Thank you... and I'm sorry for acting needy but I really want more reads because I feel like I am just being stupid and acting like I'm a popular writer and I'm not.. Sorry :(