
/       my  dearest  martin


⠀//⠀So true, bestie 


⠀//⠀What are you, Sonic?


⅋.︰      omg  no  stop  my  hesrt  is  racing  rhis  made  me  so  happy  RAHHHH


⅋.︰      omg  now  i  wanna  make  a  new  bio  &&  put  u  in  omg


،، Oho! Would ya look at that! It's /you/! Martin Septim himself, here to... pay me a visit, I assume? ”


            That seemed to perk the man up, the way his face lit up something debatable on whether or not it was a good thing. In most circles. 
            ،، Right! Tea! Ohh, I haven't had a good cup of tea in so long myself. What kind of tea? Aetherial Tea? Honeyberry Tea? Ah! Sweet Dreams Tea? Or— maybe I'm thinking of Sweetsting Tea... ” While he could certainly go on and on listening different teas, he thankfully decided to stop. He didn't necessarily care to receive an answer as, in a flash of purple, a small table would appear nearby. Accompanied by said table was a pot of tea, two cups with saucers underneath them, a sugar bowl to the side, and two seats. These seats, of course, were not part of this little tea set.
            ،، Sit, sit! ” He ushered the other with a wave of his hand as he himself approached to happily take a seat at the table, pausing only to take the lid off the pot to peer inside for a short second as if half expecting to find something besides tea inside. With a short hum, as if satisfied with the contents, he put it back and decided to go ahead with pouring it into the two cups before actually taking a seat. 


⅋. id ︰ @horripilate 
            (  his  smile  faded, thin  lips  pressed  into  a  line  on  his  face.  he  mulled  over  this  in  his  head  -  he  knew,  this  sheogorath,  in  front  of  him,  was  not  the  hero  he  had  known.  but  he  was  in  there  somewhere.  he  just  had  to  figure  out  how  to  bring  him  out.  but  how?  perhaps  he  could  bring  up  old  memories,  and  it  would  trigger  something?  he  was  going  off  of  nothing,  having  never  been  in  this  situation  before.  but  he  was  determined  to  try.  he  had  to.  )
            (  he  racked  his  brain  for  memories  that  might  do  something,  nose  scrunched  up  as  he  fell  into  deep  thought.  maybe  their  first  meeting?  their  first  night  in  cloud  haven?  the  battle  at  the  temple  of  the  one?  he  was  so  wrapped  up  in  his  thoughts,  he  hadn't  realized  he'd  been  quiet  the  whole  time.  )  i  ..  understand,  yes.  i  shall  keep  trying,  but  until  then,  might  we  share  a  cup  of  tea?  ive  not  enjoyed  any  since  my  ascension. 


            ،، Me? Or the me I was? The me that wasn't me... yet? ” Of course, the question was rhetorical. There was no way he'd miss the Madgod... if he'd ever even known him before, which Sheogorath was fairly sure he hadn't. Not nearly as well as he'd known a certain other Prince. With a low hum, the only movement made now was to place the bottom of his cane onto the floor once more, leaning ever so slightly against it. His eyes were directed elsewhere now, though not quite focused on anything as his mind wandered.
            ،، And ye missed that me so much that you'd come and see this me. How sweet... Precious, really. ” He chuckled, ،، As much as I would love to say otherwise, I can tell you they are still in here, /but/— and try to keep up here, Martin— while he is me, I am not he. There's only so much you'll find here. Oh, do feel free to keep lookin', though! I don't mind the company. ”


⠀//⠀WAIT. WAIT. wait. If. If the Hero of Kvatch is the new Sheogorath, I think an interaction can be had, somehow......


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⠀//⠀I can't say I'd provide much of a sane Sheo, but I can provide a relatively calm Sheo. Can you say he's not fucking with Martin a little by acting anything like who he once was? It's so funny (in a messed up way)


⠀//⠀That said... I do love the idea of the hok going insane and practically losing their sense of self after mantling Sheo... Very unsettling things could've happened from that!! It makes me wonder how much of the hok is really still in there. It's just. Sheogorath now, really.


⠀//⠀"The best Septim to ever rule! Well, except for that Martin fellow—"  actually yeah no he is his favorite, it's just a shame he's sane.....


    ❝       DO  YOU  NEED  A  PRIEST  ?  I  DON'T THINK  I'LL  BE  OF  MUCH  HELP  TO  YOU  .  ❞
                                     martin  septim  , 
                       illegitimate  son  of  uriel  septim  .  
                    though  haunted  by  a  troubled  past  ,
                    he  is  very  humble  and  soft  spoken  .  
                    with  a  love  of  books  and  collector 
                    of  knowledge  ,  he  is  determined  to
                     right  his  wrongs  ,  and  do  his  best 
                      to  learn  what  it  means  to  be  the 
                                   heir  to  the  throne  .
                  ELDER  SCROLLS  CANON  CHARACTER  !
                                BY  VIN  ,  EST.  01192024  .