( hearing that laugh had martin's heartstrings tugging in a way they hadn't in a long time . he heard so much of his old friend in it , it was impossible to keep his mind from wandering , back to their time together . their human lives , now so far away from them , their time spent together , a memory in the wind , growing more distant with every passing day . martin had missed hearing that laugh . martin had missed /them/. ) " oh , it is ... quite well . i must say , it does get rather boring sometimes , and ive no one to talk to when it does . perhaps that's why im here with you , right now . " ( martin had tried to steer clear of daedra , even after his ascension , but with sheogorath , it was different . this sheo , he had known . the old friend he had known might not be fully there , but he knew there were still pieces of them somewhere , tucked away in the far corners of the daedras mind . martin hoped , no , prayed - he would be able to see those pieces . )