
/       my  dearest  martin


(  martin  stayed  quiet  .  the  words  caught  in  his  throat  ,  unable  to  rise  .  he  didn't  want  to  admit  it  to  himself  .  his  eyes  flickered  to  sheo's  ,  holding  his  gaze  for  a  few  moments  before  he  quickly  turned  ,  away  from  the  prince  .  he  took  a  couple  of  steps  away  ,  breathing  deeply  .  he  clasped  his  hands  together  ,  squeezing  his  fingers  into  his  palms  until  he  was  sure  cresent  shaped  scars  would  dent  the  skin  ,  if  only  for  a  moment  .  )  
          (  finally  ,  he  turned  back  ,  meeting  sheogorath's  gaze  with  a  sad  smile  that  drew  his  weary  cheeks  into  tiny  wrinkles  .  he  figured  ,  if  he  didn't  say  it  now  ,  when  would  he  ever  get  the  chance  to  again  ?  it  wasn't  like  sheo  had  moments  of  clarity  often  ,  /especially/  not  for  this  long  .  if  anything  ,  he  /had/  to  say  it  now  ,  or  it  would  be  too  late  .  )  
          i  miss  you  .  your  presence  .  everything  ,  really  .  i  just  ...  wanted  to  see  you  again  . 
          ⅋. ︰      screams 


(  hearing  that  laugh  had  martin's  heartstrings  tugging  in  a  way  they  hadn't  in  a  long  time  .  he  heard  so  much  of  his  old  friend  in  it  ,  it  was  impossible  to  keep  his  mind  from  wandering  ,  back  to  their  time  together  .  their  human  lives  ,  now  so  far  away  from  them  ,  their  time  spent  together  ,  a  memory  in  the  wind  ,  growing  more  distant  with  every  passing  day  .  martin  had  missed  hearing  that  laugh  .  martin  had  missed  /them/.  ) "  oh  ,  it  is  ...  quite  well  .  i  must  say  ,  it  does  get  rather  boring  sometimes  ,  and  ive  no  one  to  talk  to  when  it  does  .  perhaps  that's  why  im  here  with  you  ,  right  now  .  "  (  martin  had  tried  to  steer  clear  of  daedra  ,  even  after  his  ascension  ,  but  with  sheogorath  ,  it  was  different  .  this  sheo  ,  he  had  known  .  the  old  friend  he  had  known  might  not  be  fully  there  ,  but  he  knew  there  were  still  pieces  of  them  somewhere  ,  tucked  away  in  the  far  corners  of  the  daedras  mind  .  martin  hoped  ,  no  ,  prayed  -  he  would  be  able  to  see  those  pieces  .  ) 


oh  ,  it's  been  ...  many  years  .  far  too  many  .  (  martin  looked  up  from  his  feet  ,  his  eyes  landing  on  the  prince's  face  .  it  was  unfamiliar  to  him  ,  but  he  could  see  glimpses  of  the  person  ,  the  friend  he  once  knew  .  it  brought  the  slightest  smile  to  his  face  .  )   you  have  been  well  ,  i  presume  ?  you  know  ,  with  all  the  ....  daedric  prince  stuff  .