
Let’s act like this account never happened (:


well  ,  when  you  know  someone  for  18  years  and  puberty  hits  you're  gonna  start  acting  a  little  different  .  besides  ,  don't  act  like  you  aren't  just  as  obsessed  with  me  .  *  cocking  an  eyebrow  ,  stu  chuckled  ,  rolling  his  eyes  at  the  mention  of  grease  -  ball  *  didn't  say  it  had  to  be  over  but  whatever  floats  your  boat  


*  eyebrows  raised  in  slight  amusement  ,  stu  smirked  ,  chuckling  a  bit  *  true  ,  but  it's  not  like  i'm  always  gonna  ask  you  .  *  semi  -  predictable  enough  ,  the  bruenette  leaned  in  ,  holding  bill's  jaw  as  he  pressed  a  kiss  against  the  other's  lips  .  *  not  bad  loomis  ,  not  bad  at  all  .  *  macher  snickered  ,  not  being  able  to  wipe  the  dumb  achieved  look  on  his  face  *  


LITERALLY  .  she  made  me  want  to  tear  my  hair  out  *  he  chuckled  ,  groaning  at  the  thought  .  *  yeah  ,  like  i  said  -  you  ,  but  one  ,  you  wouldn't  let  me  and  two  ,  she  was  way  too  dirty  for  it  to  even  be  accurate  .  *  he  grinned  ,  eyes  grazing  over  at  loomis  ,  pondering  what  it'd  actually  be  like  just  to  kiss  him  .  *  but  yeah  ,  it  was  nasty  .  *  he  cleared  his  throat  ,  dismissing  his  semi  -   creative  imagination  .  *  


we  know  ,  we  know  .  *  stu  rolled  his  eyes  ,  closing  his  door  behind  them  before  walking  over  to  his  bed  ,  laying  himself  down  before  resting  his  forearm  over  his  eyes  *  i'm  so  spent  .  but  ,  yeah  ,  it  was  /  that  bad  /  like  ,  you  do  not  understand  .  i  felt  like  i  stuck  my  dick  in  a  pig   -  pen  .  


ayy  ,  don't  get  too  ahead  of  yourself  ,  it's  not  like  you  looked  comfortablr  anyways  .  *  he  turned  in  his  direction  ,  smirking  as  his  hand  was  put  down  ,  tucking  it  into  the  pocket  of  his  robe  .  *  and  yes  ,  for  your  information  my  room  /  is  /  in  fact  clean  .  *  he  chuckled  ,  following  bill  up  to  his  bedroom  .  *  


seriously  you  can  literally  just  sleep  upstairs  ,  i  know  this  place  is  comfy  though  but  -  c'mon  bill  .  *  his  eyebrow  cocked  ,  a  smug  look  printed  itself  on  stu's  face  .  *  no  funny  buisness  ,  honest  -  i'll  even  pinkie  swear  !  *  he  held  up  the  specified  finger  ,  eyes  gazing  over  the  clearly  tired  blonde  *  


*  everything  fell  into  place  seconds  before  the  cops  had  arrived  ,  stu  only  to  lay  on  the  floor  whining  like  a  newborn  baby  ,  humiliating  -  sure  .  but  it  made  for  a  great  act  ,  at  least  enough  to  have  everything  go  intuition  ,  leaving  stu  in  the  hospital  with  only  a  few  bandages  and  minor  patchwork  .  *  how's  it  hanging  rome  -  *  the  dirty  -  blonde  snarked  ,  inching  in  through  billy's  bedroom  window  .  only  to  realize  the  blonde  wasn't  even  there  -  not  yet  at  least  .  though  stu  reminded  himself  it'd  make  for  a  bigger  surprise  .  *  


*  stu  had  of  course  chucked  the  bags  in  the  dumpster  ,  slamming  the  lid  closed  before  presenting   bill  ,  beginning  to  get  ready  to  leave  the  house  out  the  back  .  *    yeah  ,  but  i  need  a  change  of  clothes  ,  my  parents  are  gone  all  weekend  so  i'll  just  chuck  these  in  the  dump  .  *  kinda  dissapointing  ,  but  he  shrugged  it  off  ,  it  was  just  a  sweater  ,  he  could  get  another  one  easy  -  peasy  .  *  you  wanna  just  meet  up  after  ?  or  you  could  borrow  something  ,  though  i  think  you're  a  little  too  small  for  my  stuff  ,  *  he  smirked  ,  positioning  his  fingers  to  make  a  pinching  -  gesture  ,  as  if  crushing  the  blonde's  seemingly  -  punie  head  .  *  itty  -  bitty  -  billy