
haven't been on here for a while.


Whoops. One year later  I’ve been busy with work but otherwise I’m doing well 


Sorry about not updating for about, maybe, 3 months? 4? I can’t remember. I was caught up with school work+ had summer school with only 3 weeks off. Now, I’m starting school again tomorrow, so it may be even harder for me to update. I’ll try my best. 


@screwoffdumbscrub Everybody can be patient, so take your time!


I didn’t think my Bakugo x Reader fanfic was something worthy of being read. Thank you for those of you who decided to try it out! I am new to this, so I’ll try my best to make it an interesting story!


@screwoffdumbscrub It’s already very interesting and my favorite part was when Bakugo asked about the dog  “Who’s He....” “My Dog....” “Oh..”


"you promised my son the free robuck"
          "dude bro man like dude homie home-slice like dude why would you delete my fortnite account like bruh whyyyyyyyyyy"
          I like memes. lol. This makes no sense whatsoever but that's okay..."BECAUSE YOU CAN GET FREE WIFI ANYWHERE YOU GO!!" Okay, I'm done with the memes now...or am I? Yeah I am, I ran out of meme energy ;-;