Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Maaf izin promosi
Yang mau feedback langsung ya nanti aku bales kok :)
Hallo semua mampir yuk ke cerita aku, aku ada cerita baru nih!
Check this out, enjoy
Kak, misi.. mau ngajak kalian para readers buat mampir dan baca story ku, yang sederhana tapi dijamin suka!
Kalau bisa sekalian follow dan voment hehe:> Ayok serbu!^^
Hey I have 5books that I will like u to read the names are my bullie won't stop texting, the amazing monthly awards and psychology with me and it will mean the world to me and if u have time thank u! My name is tami
Good day, aspiring writers!
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Hello, Scrittores!
Here are the details about our first published book entitled, TWISTED VALENTINES!
Don't forget to grab your copies!
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What are you waiting for? Be part of us!
"Pluma ang nagtaga sa mga letra, at;
Karunungan ang siyang magpapanday sa mga talinghaga." -Scrittore: Pluma ng Karunungan