

yes you'd start with the 2nd curse.  1st Curse is giving me problems and you really aren't going to be lost reading the 2nd first.  if that makes sense.  I may change the titles up a bit... this was just the best I could come up with :) kinda like how Chronicles of Narnia was written out of order so is this series.


ok... so writing on 1st curse has been difficult to say the least since the loss of my document.... even though I had everything but one chapter up... it left me void and empty.... however... Maggie wont leave me alone... so... I'm thinking I may be ready to begin a review of 2nd curse... fix a few universe problems... edit for content... and toy with the next thread.... just can't seem to get into the mind set for Elisabeth... *sigh*


Sorry for anyone waiting for the next chapter in 1st Curse.  I was almost done with it and then my laptop decided that Elisabeth and Agatha were giving away too much info for free... now the entire document is corrupt and i'm going to have to start over... thankgoodness for watt pad!  Otherwise i'd have lost it all save for the original few chapters.  Hope to have chapter 4 recreated soon. :)


Well... a couple weeks after finishing Maggie... and I wanted to focus on something else... after 5 years of feeling obsessed with the Equilibriate, Seraphim and Coveness, I thought i'd try something else... it's not working... I can't get them out of my head... so... I shall soon be delving into the man that Dr. Galway used to be and the woman elisabeth was before she died.


Well 2nd Curse is all done.  I'm going to let it sit for a bit then do a revision for continuity being as it's kinda frankinsteined together right now.  It should read pretty smooth but most likley has its moments.  Now I just have to decide what I want to focus on.  i've been pretty darn focused on 2nd curse for about 5 years... trying to decide if i'm going to move to 1st curse which I have on here or if I want to work on something outside of their universe.