everyone in my life right now is being so cruel to each other and it's awful. I don't understand why all the girls I know are creating so much extra drama! Every single girl in my grade is creating drama about idiotic things and I am really fed up. There is no need to call each other "gay" or "sluts" or anything awful like that (not that being gay it bad btw that itsn't the point im trying to get at)!! Life is to short to go out of your way to be awful to someone. You just ruin your own day and other people's, too. I know being a teenager or whatever is suppose to be annoying, but everyone is just being terrible. There is no need for homophobic statements or saying someone's fat or ugly. What does it do? Saying that someone is "ugly" doesn't make you any prettier. Saying someone is a "slut" doesn't make you more modest!!!! Saying someone is "fat" doesn't make you any skinnier! Anyway, if you read that whole thing, your one of the reasons why i love you. -m
@sdiuhghurhgwohrouwh Are you alright? I hope you're not hurting yourself and I agree with you that saying cruel comments about a person's flaws does not make someone better or perfect.