
Hi, everyone!
          	Remember me? I'm back! I've finished my Atlantis story FINALLY! About time to post it, right? Right!
          	With all my love,
          	Chelsea Morris


So tomorrow's my birthday! I'll be 33. I was trying to rewrite an old story of mine at around 3am the other day until I wrote four pages and was like nah, haha. Between that and another couple of old stories, I think they're best left alone. I did find a story today I'd forgotten about. I've only written two sentences to it though, but I'm glad I found it. I've been racking my brain trying to come up with a new story. I realized it's probably a good thing I can't come up with one because I have 12 unfinished projects here. Anyway, I'm tempted to get back to writing the story I found today that I'd forgotten about. 
          I would love to share what it's about with you all, but for now I'm gonna keep it to myself until I've written some more to it. I'm hesitant to share anything about it before I post it. 
          Wish me luck for this new project. I hope I can do it justice.
          - Chelsea


Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't written any to my stories (until I just wrote some more to Charted last night. ) I've been so busy with work until recently and then on top of that, I'm overwhelmed at all the projects I have waiting on me to get back to. The Prophecy of Atlantis is my baby of all the projects I have and I worry I'm not a good enough writer to do it the justice it deserves right now. If there's any of mine you have that is a favorite of yours and want to see continued, let me know. I'm always curious to see which of my stories readers like the best. Thanks in advance :)