
@LilyAvenue Aw, it's alright, I haven't even been on much, haha. I'm very competitive and I like to work against the clock, )guess that's my inner sportsgirl coming out :P) so the idea of that and writing combined appeals to me, haha. 
          	And aw, you're so lucky! We're currentely on half-term holiday, which is a week off to mark the halfway of the school term, and I think it's the 2nd-3rd week in July we have our Summer holiday for six weeks. :)'xxxx


Hiiiiii! I am also new to wattpad  and I need some friends so I was wondering if you wanted to chat. You seem really chill and fun to talk to so chat me up anytime you would like. Also when do you come on wattpad. I know @LilyAvenue said she came on during the day at school but I don't know if it is okay to go on. Do only certain schools allow it?


@LilyAvenue Aw, it's alright, I haven't even been on much, haha. I'm very competitive and I like to work against the clock, )guess that's my inner sportsgirl coming out :P) so the idea of that and writing combined appeals to me, haha. 
          And aw, you're so lucky! We're currentely on half-term holiday, which is a week off to mark the halfway of the school term, and I think it's the 2nd-3rd week in July we have our Summer holiday for six weeks. :)'xxxx


@seafoam Gah, you shouldn't feel bad- I'm the worst! A whole week, and no reply. I'm so sorry! >_< And haha yeah, it's pretty fun. I thought about becoming a journalist one day, but it's a little too dog-eat-dog for my taste, plus, it's obvious I can't write on a time table. :P LOL and I've been good, can't wait for summer to start already! I have one final to go to tomorrow, then Wednesday is a half day- THEN SUMMER! <3 When do you get out? (: xoxo