
HEY GUYS!!! I'm not going to be active on wattpad anymore, because I've created and starting using Archive Of Our Own instead... I'll post the remaining parts of Handwriting, but after that don't expect anything from me! Sorry!


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Just gonna say (and I realise this may sound a bit hypocritical because I published 4 parts of 'Handwriting' at once): I do not give one fuck if your story has like two words per chapter: do not fucking update it twenty times within the span of three minutes dammit! It's really annoying if I'm trying to read a good story or proof read my own and all of a sudden I just keep getting the little grey square on my screen saying "X has updated Story" TEN TIMES EACH SECOND!!! This has been a PSA


So in a fantastic turn of events I got my phone and most other electronics taken away but my parents forgot about my crappy iPad so... Yeah. It'll take a little bit longer for updates but hopefully not too long, mainly because I have to hide this and this keyboard sucks dick. Anyhow, I'll post the next chapter of 'We Found Each Other' soon. Promise.


I always get really inspired at like two am but it's for stories that aren't the ones I'm currently working on and I'm just like: "Hey, brain. It's fantastic that you're being creative but I really need to work on my existing stories. Thanks!"
          And my brain is just like: "Lol, Lee. You're hilarious. Write this new story. Now."