
So, last night I just posted the prologue for my first original book, The Deathless Hero. It's based a lot around the Batfamily dynamics and crossovers that have been done with Danny Phantom (odd combo, I know but comic book characters seem to think that dying and not staying dead is on some sort of bucket list, so it works) so if you want to check that ur, it's there. 
          	The remaining chapters for Dementors will likely be mass published this weekend and the first chapter of the following book possibly too.
          	If you do read The Deathless Hero, let me know what you think about it, this is my first time writing original content so I want to hear what you have to say


When will you update Spirits. I really love this series. Please continue it


Ok. I hope you get over your writer block. I really love your stories 


@AsmaKhatun279 sorry! I'm at college right now, have been writing my own orginal work, and have been a bit writers blocky with this. I'm trying to do a monthly update when I can, so I'll probably do one this weekend if I don't have a paper due


So, last night I just posted the prologue for my first original book, The Deathless Hero. It's based a lot around the Batfamily dynamics and crossovers that have been done with Danny Phantom (odd combo, I know but comic book characters seem to think that dying and not staying dead is on some sort of bucket list, so it works) so if you want to check that ur, it's there. 
          The remaining chapters for Dementors will likely be mass published this weekend and the first chapter of the following book possibly too.
          If you do read The Deathless Hero, let me know what you think about it, this is my first time writing original content so I want to hear what you have to say


I absolutely loved your salt and bandages series! Is there a chance you’ll make a sequel of sorts or an alternate universe? Sorry if this comes across as pushy- I like this au way too much XD


@Luolaw1 i finished the series out with my connected one-shot book: Missing Moments, so they're won't be any other books after that. I'm trying to work on more orginal books now (in the middle of drafting two ideas and am going to write the shorter one first) and a good deal of art stuff on my Instagram page, plus finishing out my Harry Potter rewrite, so I don't really have the time to continue this even if I had more of a story to write, hope you understand


Announcement to anyone that followed me because of my Bandages and Salt fic, I've made a playlist for on Spotify if you want to check it out. It wouod mean a lit as I put a good deal of effort into it, and it follows the book chronologically:


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@seaskate I absolutely love this because i do shit like this as well, like making a playlist for a story


@MYST1Q3 I can try. I cross posted this fic on ao3 and added a song excerpt to each chapter.
            Vol one starts with the first song (that's a given)
            Vol two starts with chocolate 
            Vol three is Mad Hatter
            Vol four is End of Beginning


@seaskate hi!! can u tell me which parts of the playlist are the start and end of each arc? I'd like to know which specific songs to associate with specific arcs if that's okay :)) 


Hi! I published the prologue. Sorry if it took so much.


Thank you so much!!!


@SayaKirisaki cool, I'll go in and add that an Italian tra station is available. Ask me if you have any questions about the book, or are asked something by a reader that you don't know the answer to and I'll do my vest to help.


          i was wondering if you would give me permission to manually record Bandages and Salt in a physical for
          of course its only for me to read and carry around
          if you dont want me to i won't do it.
          i also would like to upload a translation of it in Indonesian maybe


Roger! it just for me don't worry. i doubt there is anyone else to read it either around me. and I'll make sure to tell you when i do translate it


@thunderteez I dont mind of you make a physical copy, so long as it is only for you and you do not sell one to another person. You can translate it, just make sure go give credit somewhere and to tell me when the first chapter is uploaded so that I can add to the story information that a translation is available