
*taps mic* Is anyone still active on here? Anyone interested in reading things if I post some new stuff? (I know it's been quite a while.) How's everyone holding up??


Hey guys! Long time, no see, eh? The inactive streak has been quite long this time, as I've been a bit preoccupied at university and getting a degree and working part-time and all that, but I've still been writing! It's not all for public consumption (sorry),  but I wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten all of you wonderful people that have been so incredibly kind to me and my writing over the years.
          So,  if you're still interested, and you're still reading, I wanted to let you know that this Wattpad thing is probably going to be revamped. For those of you who have tirelessly followed "Midnight Scarlet" and "Blue Moon," thank you to the ends of the earth, but I think I'm retiring them (I'll still leave them up, for now). Over the past few years, I've seriously revamped "Midnight Scarlet" and it's now a fully original novel, far removed from the Teen Wolf universe. I'll have more to say about that as time goes on. But, as of now, I'll only be posting original works on here. If you really need that fanfic dose, I'll have some Supernatural short works up on ao3 soon, under @casandean.
          As for now, keep an eye out for new original pieces. Short stories, poetry collections, maybe even a novella or something. Updated *things* are coming! Just wanted everyone to know I love you, appreciate your never-ending support, and I am so thankful for how you have all helped me. 


          Hello all my lovelies,
          It's been quite some time since new writing has come out to you (and I'm going to keep apologizing about that forever, I'm so sorry please don't hate me). I do want to thank everyone for their continued support, as well as the wonderful people that keep reading my stories and deciding to stick with me. 
          1. BLUE MOON. I know this is the topic of discussion and everyone wants new chapters. You want new chapters. I want new chapters (which means I have to write them). I'm sorry to say that you're going to have to wait a little longer for new chapters because *drum roll*... I'm finishing writing an original manuscript!!! It's super exciting and is in the finishing stages before it gets sent off to agents and publication and that fun stuff, so that's where all of my focus is going right now. After that calms down a bit, my main focus is to get some new chapters of BM out to you because you've all been waiting so nicely and I'm so appreciative. 
          2. In the meantime, there's a new book out!! It's a story story type thing told in 12 letters, entitled "Confessions of a Heartbreaker." It's original, there's a special place in my heart for it, and it would mean a lot if you could check it out!!
          3. Just another announcement that you guys are awesome. I love you. Thanks for putting up with my lack of updates and sticking with me. You the real MVP. 


Time for an updated game plan (aka "where in the world has Bethany been and is she ever going to get her life together" 2.0)!! 
          1. BLUE MOON. I realize I've been kind of (okay, a lot) neglectful in updating Blue Moon, and the reason for that is I've been rewriting Midnight Scarlet... and making it a completely original novel, with new characters and plot lines and all of that fun stuff. Because all of my energy has been focused on that, I haven't really been in the right frame of mind to write more Blue Moon. However, I DO plan on finishing Blue Moon, with more chapters being released as I take my summer break. I can't promise you that it will be done by August, but I'm gonna try my hardest to get back on the Blue Moon bandwagon. 
          2. On the bright side, I have a new project coming!! It's a twelve part short story titled "Confessions of A Heartbreaker" and it's been in the works for a few years now, so I'm really excited to announce it! Look for it up this week!
          3. Like always, I have to thank all of you for sticking with me (even through my long period of inactivity) and I'm trying to best to get better at updating because it's what you all deserve. Just feel free to send me a message telling me to quit watching Disney movies and get writing.
          Bethany :D


3K VOTES ON MIDNIGHT SCARLET?!?! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN??!! Oh my gosh, this is unbelievable!! 
          Thank you so, so very much to all of the lovely people that have taken the time to read, comment, and vote on my stories!! You all mean the world to me. Seriously, you guys keep me writing even when I think I can't. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! xx


Hey guys, so I know I've been kind of absent from Wattpad lately and Blue Moon has been updated pretty sporadically, but I wanted to share MY GAMEPLAN with you.
          1. Okay, so I'm going to have more writing time soon because a) my spring musical had it's final show last night (I'm not crYING THERE'S A BRANCH IN MY EYE) and b) my spring break starts in a week. I'm hoping to get a few chapters out to you in the next couple of weeks!
          2. I recently edited a short story (in between costume changes) and I'm currently finishing it up, so new things are coming your way! YAY
          3. I know I've been all over the place with Blue Moon and updates, but I promised you guys I would finish it. (Plus I still have one more book to go after it omg). I want to be upfront, however, and tell you that I've been pushing it to the side and working on it whenever I can. Between all the crazy in my life and AP classes and SAT prep, I don't have much time. Also, my priority right now is trying to finish a manuscript I've been working on for f-o-r-e-v-e-r so that I can start sending it out to agencies. Fingers crossed for publication!
          4. I think that's about it? I'm trying to get better at updating for you guys so that you only mildly hate me. Maybe just every once in a while message me and tell me to stop watching Supernatural reruns and singing Disney songs so that I can get back on track. 
          Thank you all for being so patient! I love each and every one of you!