
your  fin  ,  it's  bleeding  .


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[ @portroyals ] BLUE    ,    SLITTED EYES LAND ON THE blonde haired girl in front of him    ,    eyes wandering around to look at her attire    ,    her sword    ,    and her hat  —  PIRATE PIRATE PIRATE    ,    his mind had screamed at him    ,    reminding him of who she truly was and where she was  (  ON MY LAND    ,    YOU’RE ON MY LAND    ,    AND YOU DON’T BELONG HERE AT ALL    .    YOU MUST LEAVE    ,    BEFORE I SHRED YOU TO PIECES AND SEND YOU BACK ABOARD YOUR SHIP FILLED WITH VERMIN AND MISCREANTS WHO CALL THEMSELVES ‘PIRATES’  ) 
            “    YUR KIND    ,    ATTACKED ME an’ they expect to come on me land an’ demand hospitality    !    ”   hands — claws    ,    swiping out towards the woman    ,    aching to grab at her skin and rip her to shred like he had done to her other comrades  (  KILL HER    ,    KILL HER AND LET HER BLEED OUT SO WE CAN ALL DRINK  )    .    “    come closer    ,    let me kill you for what you all did to me    !    ”


[  @bIackflags  ] A  MAN  THAT  WAS  BORN  FROM  seafoam  and  the  ocean  king’s  love  and  anger    ,    staring  at  the  man  —  the  PIRATE    ,    who  had  traveled  across  many  seas    ,    landing  on  ISLA  DE  LADRONES  without  a  clear  thought  in  his  mind    ,    one  that  told  him  this  was  not  a  place  he  should  take  refuge  on  —  nor  was  it  a  place  where  he  should    have  knowledge  on  (      HE  DOES  NOT  KNOW  OF  THE  PIRATE  BLOOD  THAT  HAS  BEEN  SPILLED  ‘NEATH  HIS  FEET  —  NOR  DOES  HE  KNOW  WHAT  AWAITS  HIM  WHEN  HE  SPEAKS  TO  THE  KEEPER  OF  THE  LAND      )   
           “    my  name  is  not  wha’  you  should  be  worrying  about    ,    PIRATE    ”    voice  thick  and  heavy    ,    accented  to  give  off  the  idea  of  the  merman  being  born  in  the  carribean    ,    filled  with  hatred  with  every  syllable  he  spat  out  at  the  man  in  front  of  him    (      HE  DID  NOT  BELONG  HERE    ,    HOW  DARE  HE  STAND  ON  HIS  LAND  WHERE  MANY  FALLEN  PIRATES  HAVE  TAKE  THEIR  LAST  BREATHS    ?      )    .   “    go  back  where  you  come  from    ,    you  do  not  belong  here. der  be  nuhtin’  ‘ere  for  you  to  take  for  yuh  own    ,    so  best  be  on  yur  way  before  you  find  someting  you  would  neva  forget    “