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[ @portroyals ] BLUE , SLITTED EYES LAND ON THE blonde haired girl in front of him , eyes wandering around to look at her attire , her sword , and her hat — PIRATE PIRATE PIRATE , his mind had screamed at him , reminding him of who she truly was and where she was ( ON MY LAND , YOU’RE ON MY LAND , AND YOU DON’T BELONG HERE AT ALL . YOU MUST LEAVE , BEFORE I SHRED YOU TO PIECES AND SEND YOU BACK ABOARD YOUR SHIP FILLED WITH VERMIN AND MISCREANTS WHO CALL THEMSELVES ‘PIRATES’ )
“ YUR KIND , ATTACKED ME an’ they expect to come on me land an’ demand hospitality ! ” hands — claws , swiping out towards the woman , aching to grab at her skin and rip her to shred like he had done to her other comrades ( KILL HER , KILL HER AND LET HER BLEED OUT SO WE CAN ALL DRINK ) . “ come closer , let me kill you for what you all did to me ! ”