Hey uh, long time no see. I guess I’ll get straight to the point. I’ve been absent because I haven’t really enjoyed writing as much as I used too. Plus I kind of grew out of my Why Don’t We phase. Don’t get me wrong I still listen to their music and whatnot, but I just don’t follow them as much anymore. What I’m trying to say is I’ve left the fandom. It’s not been an easy decision but, it’s the right one. Sorry it’s taken me so long to announce this. I know you guys are wanting more updates to my book, but unfortunately that’s not happening any time soon. You guys were an absolutely amazing chapter in my life and I’m not taking any of you for granted. Thank you to those who hyped up my writing more than it deserved, and a big thank you to those who were with me since the first chapter. All in all this was an amazing experience and if I could go back in time to do it again I would. Unfortunately I think it’s time to say goodbye. To those who read this whole thing, thank you. I love you all so much.
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