
este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
"Yes... Yes, at a time, you think everything you do is your fault. Most of the time, it is. Though, doesn't a wolf kill another wolf? Doesn't a bear kill another bear? Don't the squirrels steal each other's food? It's not much different from man killing man. It happens all the time. It's called survival. We're not proud of it, maybe we shouldn't be, but we don't always get that luxury of another option. Sometimes, you got to stop blaming yourself for living. Sometimes your got to stop thinking your human, and start remembering your an animal." ~Genzhi - Unlock Me
          	I LOVE this quote, Genzhi, and just the whole story in general. READ IT AND GIVE THE AUTHOR SOME LOVE YO! Link (pun intended, you'll find out soon ;)):


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
"Yes... Yes, at a time, you think everything you do is your fault. Most of the time, it is. Though, doesn't a wolf kill another wolf? Doesn't a bear kill another bear? Don't the squirrels steal each other's food? It's not much different from man killing man. It happens all the time. It's called survival. We're not proud of it, maybe we shouldn't be, but we don't always get that luxury of another option. Sometimes, you got to stop blaming yourself for living. Sometimes your got to stop thinking your human, and start remembering your an animal." ~Genzhi - Unlock Me
          I LOVE this quote, Genzhi, and just the whole story in general. READ IT AND GIVE THE AUTHOR SOME LOVE YO! Link (pun intended, you'll find out soon ;)):


@seaweedbrain94 Well, I'm not good at rating things, I might change it as the story goes. And also I've seen eleven year olds reading lemons so... It also confuses me on what to rate my books. 
          I'm glad you like my book, I'll try to update soon, I'm writing a chapter of my Naruto FanFiction and then my Ouran one and then the UtaPri one then this one. I am so sorry if I make you wait, I tend to write for what ideas I have.
          Even though I grew up with the Legend of Zelda games, I still don't have many ideas. The Legend of Zelda is my favorite video game series and it makes me glad other people like it also. 
          Thank you so much for your comment, I will try my best to make the book better, I am a beginner at writing and I will try to write every day, I just try to make longer chapters now. 
          Please check out my other books and you may say what you like, I am thankful that you guys read my books
          ~ Luka Megurine
          Ps. I like your user name


@Luka_Megurine_102 awwwww thanks!!! Yea... It's kind of disturbing 11 yr olds do that... *shudders* anyways I CAN'T WAIT FOR UR UPDATES! You have a great way of writing plus when I found ur Nartuo and Ouran stories, I was OFF THE WALL LOL and it's the same thing with me, something new comes to mind and it takes FOREVER to write the previous stories lol!