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"Yes... Yes, at a time, you think everything you do is your fault. Most of the time, it is. Though, doesn't a wolf kill another wolf? Doesn't a bear kill another bear? Don't the squirrels steal each other's food? It's not much different from man killing man. It happens all the time. It's called survival. We're not proud of it, maybe we shouldn't be, but we don't always get that luxury of another option. Sometimes, you got to stop blaming yourself for living. Sometimes your got to stop thinking your human, and start remembering your an animal." ~Genzhi - Unlock Me I LOVE this quote, Genzhi, and just the whole story in general. READ IT AND GIVE THE AUTHOR SOME LOVE YO! Link (pun intended, you'll find out soon ;)): http://www.quotev.com/story/4906551/Point-of-No-Return-Link-x-Reader/1/