You know what's sad? I was really hoping to write a short story for The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood. But because I've never read it before, I'd have to read it in a day or two, which I could considering I've read many other books in a day and still retained information, I'd also have to get the book from the library. But no sir eee. The copies that they have are completely gone and there are ten people on hold for each copy that they have.
Yay world!
Could you tell that last part was sarcastic? If not then I feel so bad for you.
Sorry if I seem completely rude. I just needed to vent about the worst part of my day. At least I didn't tell you more. Like how I had to go on the plane today which made me feel so nauseous, and that the first flight I had to catch was delayed by an hour. I hate bad days. Who else has had a bad day, today?
~A completely annoyed Seaweedgal wishes farewell and adieu.