hi guys. i’ve reached a point in my life where social media is doing more harm than good on my mental health, and for that reason i’ve decided to make the executive decision and remove myself from it. i know i still have unfinished books, and the sequel to the line still hasn’t been written, but i hope you can understand where i’m coming from. i’m going through my last year of school right now and need all the serotonin and happiness and focus i can get! maybe in the future i’ll come back and finish them off, but for now, i’ll be focusing on school! i love and appreciate each and every one of you, and am so thankful for the opportunities i got from these books and the love you guys showed me! i’ll always look back on this time, especially the line era, and feel so so blessed. your comments, your messages, your enthusiasm for new chapters- it was something that helped me out of a dark time, and also something that helped show me exactly what i want to do in life, so i cannot stress enough how thankful i am. so far, i think i’ll be leaving this account up, so you can still read my stories whenever ! i just will no longer be active. once again, i hope you guys can understand ! for the last time, this is me, signing off. cross those lines you’ve been afraid to cross ! write some stories you’ve been afraid to write ! and try not to forget me too hard, haha. thank you all :,)

4 years later your writing still had an impact on newcomers. Hope you're living your best life :)

@seayceeroses Last year of school is very important. I hope you will get through it without struggles. Thank you for your stories. I will be looking forward to your comeback anyway. Sending hugs

I wish you the best! Thank you for sharing your talent of writing with us! I hope you’re well:) ❤️