A phrase that I used quite a lot following my younger sisters passing after her short but courage full battle with DIPG was “This too shall pass”.
Almost six years later I’ve come to realize, it doesn’t pass.
The pain is still there, not as prominent as it was initially but it’s there, reminding you that they don’t get another birthday, they don’t get another trip, they don’t get to see their kid grow up, they don’t get another hike…
So today, on the day of Ivan’s funeral, I sit and remember those we have lost and whose painful absence we still feel.
Harriet Emery, my brave Hattie-Lu.
Lionel Angel,our roaring Lion.
Adriel Malachi, our mystery Angel.
Kaila Madeleine, my favorite and most missed baby.
Rosaura Daphne, my beautiful mother.
Ivan Mataí, the oldest and most strong brother.
And my Brother in law whom I did not get to meet, but in a way or so got us together, Ariel.