
Hey everyone, there'll finally be a new chapter this week! It's definitely one to be excited about! Until then, happy reading <3


Hi author I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for writing a book where everything feels so natural and realistic. I know sometimes it can be hard and I’m so grateful that you took time to write your characters the way you do because they feel like real like people and a real life story is unfolding in front of us. I hope you keep writing and I can’t wait to read anymore work you might put out. lots is love ari xoxo


@arya_aaa1 Hi Ari, thank you so much for taking the time to write me this message. It truly means more to me than you could ever imagine. I am so glad that my characters speak to you. That is all I ever wanted, to create characters that feel real, like they could be your friends almost. I wanted their emotions to be relatable in a world that still makes queer experiences out to be alienated fragments of society's reality. Thank you for being part of this journey! I promise you that I won't disappear, once this one is done. I am so excited for the future and upcoming projects. Lots of love x


The new chapter is out. It is very dear to me, even though it hurts. Writing these chapters is such an interplay of mind and heart to me. My mind wants me to write them and show you where my girls are going, but my heart wants me to stop to save them from the pain. It is truly remarkable how characters sprung from your imagination become a part of you and your emotions.