
A very long time ago I posted the batman and Harley fanfiction and I've developed a lot more writin skills since then. I checked back and realized a lot of people wanted updates and I am terribly sorry if you were one of those people. I made a different account and everything but I will continue writing it if that is what everybody wants.


A very long time ago I posted the batman and Harley fanfiction and I've developed a lot more writin skills since then. I checked back and realized a lot of people wanted updates and I am terribly sorry if you were one of those people. I made a different account and everything but I will continue writing it if that is what everybody wants.


Ok so today I was rambling about the death of Jason and how his life was sad and my friends brother starts laughing cuz she told him how obsessed I was with batman but I guess he didn't believe me. He has a very contagious laugh so my friend and I started laughing too. It was a serious topic ;(