
It's been so long since I've updated ;( I'm sorry for that... my life has been a Rollercoaster and I started these two stories during the hardest time of my life yet.... im suddenly finding the urge to continue but I've kinda lost my way...  I have to admit that for the past year I haven't been checking on valdaya at all but during the Oscars and that one thing about zendaya hair kind o for me inspired again. Especially since I saw that they are very mich still connected to each other. So I want to ask: is there anyone out there who still reads my stories? And which one would you like to get an update of the most?


It's been so long since I've updated ;( I'm sorry for that... my life has been a Rollercoaster and I started these two stories during the hardest time of my life yet.... im suddenly finding the urge to continue but I've kinda lost my way...  I have to admit that for the past year I haven't been checking on valdaya at all but during the Oscars and that one thing about zendaya hair kind o for me inspired again. Especially since I saw that they are very mich still connected to each other. So I want to ask: is there anyone out there who still reads my stories? And which one would you like to get an update of the most?


Hello, my poor, tortured readers.  All I can say is that I'm sorry.
          I finally forced myself to sit down and write.p, and I've got a new chapter up. It's quite show though, I'm really, hella busy. Last year of school. I will upload more regularly but the chapters will be shorter than they used to be.


Love your stories ca you give me a shout out I'm new on here a I wrote a fan fic its called from love to hate with Austin Mahone give it a shout out( there's a second one that has the rest because it didn't work on the first one.)


hello everybody!!! I know, I know, I know... it has been weeks since I've last updated but here in Germany I still have school and the last few weeks are the most stressful, I promise (pinky promise) that once school ends I'll update like a maniac, so please, be a little bit more patient. Thanks you all for the support- love, sload