Hey selah, you dont know me and I barely know you, but I was reading one of your books at like 1 am and I read an author note about some people hating on you. Listen, I know how it feels and I want to give you the best advice I can. Im sorry if its long but this is a reading/writing app for a reason. The first thing I wanted to say is their just jealous, jealous your a better writer, have a cooler name, kinder, smarter, prettier person. Also if you show that they are getting to you that lets them know they are winning so they will keep at you, they probably have their own problems they dont know how to deal with, so do you best to ignore and block haters altogether. Dont ever doubt yourself, you are beautiful and unique in your own way just as everyone else, so technically everyone is the same by all being different. I dont want anyone to have to fake a smile, I want people to be happy. But I understand its hard, keep this quote in Mind though... "Sometimes, the darkness gets bigger before it gets better" -unknown, keep in mind I hardly know you, but keep in mind that I care and you can talk to me about anything, depression, encouragement, cyber bullying, general bullying, home issues, even things you just wanna get off your chest. I want to be that help line for anyone who needs me, I know it can be hard to talk about but trust me, one its off your chest it makes you feel a lot better like a weight was just lifted from your shoulders.i