
Sorry for the little delay in posting in Shattered Dreams. I had kind of a crazy week. Just posted 3 new chapters and will try to keep it more regular this week. Thanks for reading!


Good News--Shattered Dreams, Dreams of QaiMaj Book III, is finally finished! The official release date is October 5th, but I have already begun posting some preview chapters here. I'll be updating all through October. Thanks everyone for your patience and I hope you enjoy the continuing story!


Have you considered putting your third book on Google play books? If you did I could totally get it. 


@InfernusFenris Yeah, I just checked, it still says "we are not accepting new sign-ups at this time" :( haha I appreciate you wanting to give me money!!!! But honestly, your comments and encouragement mean way more than dollars ever could. Thanks so much for reading my stories!


@InfernusFenris Hm, that's odd. Even if you don't though, ill still find some way of giving you money to make more good books, that's a given.


@InfernusFenris Hi, sorry, somehow I missed this before! I have tried in the past to put all of my books on Google play books but I just got a message that they weren't accepting new authors. I will certainly try again soon, actually getting books on Google play is the easiest for me as well since I have an Android. If I do manage to add them, I'll let you know!


I have been waiting for an update on your second book since April 25 2015
          Please update I am begging you  


@ishash451 Thank you for reading! It's the enthusiasm of readers like you that keeps me writing!


Thank you so much I can't to start reading book three 


@ishash451 Thanks for reading! I am literally hard at work right now on final edits in book three.  Unfortunately the day job and the sheer length of these books makes it hard for me to pump them out very quickly :( I plan to release book three sometime this spring on Amazon, then start posting it here in summer or fall of this year. If all goes well. Thanks so much for your patience, I wish I could write four books a year but my life simply doesn't allow me the luxury!


*sigh...* I have no words for how I feel in relation to the loss of dynat and stasia, and the rest of them from my daily life. At least I have book three to look forward to! 


@InfernusFenris Oh my gosh you totally made my day! Thank you so much for sharing, what a beautiful song and a beautiful video! It's funny because even though you haven't read it yet, the journey in the video goes where the characters are headed in the next couple of books--to mountains. So it is even more appropriate than you know!


@InfernusFenris On a final note i think this song goes perfectly with this story: