
what's interesting about the situation with this review account is it's similarity with the goodreads review bombing. in both cases, it kind of clear who really is behind them and both the times, they tried to blame it on others while victimizing themselves. with the goodreads account, they tried to put the blame on @tmrscovenx and for the review book, on the person whos "book was rated the highest".
          	please stop being a freak and a lewserrr
          	p.s. none of the things i said are without proof. i'm very good at keeping screenshots when it comes to my mutuals


@seliasinner I hope people spam report. And I hope the account is taken down


@riddlesfairytale I think reporting it is the smartest thing we can do. also atp I don't take anything they say seriously bcz I've seen the books they have rated and it's so clear that their goal is to attack and say something negative about these authors instead of providing constructive criticism. 


I have reported the account. It's honestly so unfair that someone feels the need to be outwardly rude and use their rudeness under the guise of constructive criticism. My love goes to every writer who has been affected, your writing has been truly inspiring for me and I have had a positive impact from every word. 


what's interesting about the situation with this review account is it's similarity with the goodreads review bombing. in both cases, it kind of clear who really is behind them and both the times, they tried to blame it on others while victimizing themselves. with the goodreads account, they tried to put the blame on @tmrscovenx and for the review book, on the person whos "book was rated the highest".
          please stop being a freak and a lewserrr
          p.s. none of the things i said are without proof. i'm very good at keeping screenshots when it comes to my mutuals


@seliasinner I hope people spam report. And I hope the account is taken down


@riddlesfairytale I think reporting it is the smartest thing we can do. also atp I don't take anything they say seriously bcz I've seen the books they have rated and it's so clear that their goal is to attack and say something negative about these authors instead of providing constructive criticism. 


I have reported the account. It's honestly so unfair that someone feels the need to be outwardly rude and use their rudeness under the guise of constructive criticism. My love goes to every writer who has been affected, your writing has been truly inspiring for me and I have had a positive impact from every word. 


okay so this announcement is going to be in points-
          1. i have republished "lure and lunacy" with its name changed. it's called "swan reverie" now cz i think the title is much prettier and still fitting. the book is a bit different than last time. I'm completely rewriting it bcz the first draft was the most awful thing ever and mere editing was not fixing it. i really really hope people like it just as much as they did before.
          2. i have taken down "glory guise" bcz it was meant to be an original story since the start and i think turning it into a fanfiction was a big mistake bcz not only did the quality of my writing turn really bad, i could not tell it the way i wanted to bcz i was continuously anxious that the world building might be too much for some people who only wanted to read about tom riddle.
          3. i have also taken down "your unholy halos" bcz i think it will be better if i write it as a one-shot instead.
          also, it feels so good to publish SR(also very scary at the same time) bcz i felt like i was stuck in this phase where i was doing nothing. this should push me to write more.


@mydarkflower yayyy I'm so exited for when u read it. and THANK U!!


HUZZAH I am so glad you feel a lot lighter after letting yourself write what you want!! I never had the chance to read LAL but now I’m so excited to, I’ll definitely start soon!! I love that it’s called swan reverie now too, literally stunning. <333


@myinvari THANK U SO MUCH BUGI <333 i feel so much lighter now that I've taken down the books I wasn't satisfied with and publishing SR


the palestinians are still suffering, and there's so many ways in which you can help them, including donating. if you are not capable of donating, at least help share the word even if u think ur following is small.
          there's so many families in need, including obada's who need help to evacuate himself and his five family members from khan younus. 
          this is the link to the gofundme-
          again, please donate as much as you can, and if u cannot, at least share this in your message board and other social medias. it helps a lot!!!


a palestinian family is need of help, and @crierayla has shared everything about it on her message board. im linking the go fund me, but reading her announcement is highly recommended to see all that she is doing for this. donate as much as you can, and if you cannot, pls help share this. it will mean a lot!!!


ty for sharing selia <3


editing glory guise rn and wow i hate everything about the starting chapters. and the worst thing is i do not want to rewrite them. is that lazy of me? yeah it is. but i desperately want to write new stuff so i will just edit the parts of the already-written chapters that are really bad, and then move on. fingers crossed that whatever i write next is better. new chapters should be out in a couple of days.
          i have so much respect for every single writer on here because writing is HARD.


i finally gave my exam yesterday and did really good, if ur wondering, so I'm free now. yipeee. disgustingly free actually. i have nothing much to do for a few months until college starts so I should be able to write now.
          i have taken down GLORY GUISE for the moment bcz i last updated it in january and in the time frame from then to now, ive gotten so many ideas for improvements, so I'm going to edit the existing chapters before publishing new ones. <3


@seliasinner Wait, did you have NEET yesterday


thank u for 70k reads on moonlit everyone <333


@mydarkflower aw shifaa im crying. tysm <3333


congratulations selia!!! moonlit is seriously a roman empire fic of mine and i adore it!! i adore everything you write, and you deserve all the love and support because your talent and way with words leaves me in awe every time. i can’t wait to continue to see what you do next with this incredible talent of yours <33 