
i have all the excuses under the sun (like if you really wanna know, my gf and i both got covid, my laptop shuts down randomly, my laptops keyboard decides to stop responding randomly, my work schedule isn’t consistent, and i might be changing jobs soon) but thanks for sticking with me regardless! i’ve been feeling extra spicy lately so i’m gonna try to make some updates on my chaptered piece and on the raphael exclusive piece. lmk what y’all wanna see 


i have all the excuses under the sun (like if you really wanna know, my gf and i both got covid, my laptop shuts down randomly, my laptops keyboard decides to stop responding randomly, my work schedule isn’t consistent, and i might be changing jobs soon) but thanks for sticking with me regardless! i’ve been feeling extra spicy lately so i’m gonna try to make some updates on my chaptered piece and on the raphael exclusive piece. lmk what y’all wanna see 


Thanks for all the love (read: 300 notifications) while i was away! I’ll add everyone’s requests from when i was gone to my list when I get back home. I didn’t bring my laptop with me on vacation (like a dummy) and I prefer to write with a real keyboard than on my phone. Thanks again and happy new year!


Hey can you maybe right a oneshot were one of shredders ninjas hurt raph he finds out and gets mad because him and raph are dating so he goes to apologies but runs into the brothers and him and raph have to explain there dating and maybe add how they would react.  
          Also sry this is long and if you want you can put that I requested this you choose 


Okay so for the big one shot book, I’ve got 
          Michello - @TheBubblyRottmntFan 
          Raphanardo - @tmnt2347 
          Raphanrdo - @Anonymous-girl01
          RaphxSlash - @kaileycarlson9 
          RaphxLeoxMikey Pt 2 - @plutonicoxox
          If i missed you, reply to this announcement and i’ll add it to my list. 


@semicryptic well, you've got me xx

          this bad boy (it’s in my bio too) links to all my accounts across the web that i’m using for tcest art and fiction! My twitter isn’t on there, but my username on twitter is @semicryptic1 !!  ANYWAY because wattpad doesn’t allow nsfw attachments on stories anymore, you’ll have to follow that link to furaffinity if you want to see my tcest artwork :)


@thebubblyrottmntfan i added an instagram if u have that but i can only post censored stuff there :(( but the link will stay on my page so you can always check from time to time 


@semicryptic sadly i have no accounts on any of sadly websites (besides wattpad ofc) but I'll try to check up on them to see your stuff when I remember to! Also cute pfp, i really like it


OKAY OKAY i linked my twitter to the link so you should be able to view my art from there, because you have to have a furaffinity account to view adult and mature artwork on that site 


          Okay so I think I have three requests to get to. . .
          A RaphxSlash for @KaileyCarlson9
          A LeoxRaph for @TMNT2347
          A MikeyxDonnie for @TheBubblyRottmntFan
          If you've requested something that I haven't written for my TMNT one shot collection, let me know please!  I'll add it to this post and that way I know whose to write because I get so lost keeping up with requests! 


@thebubblyrottmntfan it was a really good request, i jsut forgotto write it lol


this message may be offensive
@semicryptic oh shit i requested something?? I have terrible memory sometimes. Wait nvm i think i know what my request was