
Hi guys! If you're reading "keluarga tak kasat mata" on my account, please understand that i update really slow. Cause i kinda busy, and i have a lot homework to do lmao. And i will probably update once a week but if I didn't update for more than a week that means i was really really really busy, or the reader from the chapter before probably still to lil' and i need more votes to update. Cause if there's only like 15 votes from 100 reads, i wouldn't update so yeahh. Okay thank you for understanding:3 


Hai kak, Kalo gak sibuk mampir ya, baca karyaku
          1) biro detektif supranatural Psych: pieces #case1
          Detektif yg ungkap kejahatan aliran sesat di kota metropolis
          2) la chandelier (horor)
          Kisah seorang pengawas cctv  yang mengalami kejadian mistis di hotel tmptnya kerja.
          Bagi vommentsnya kak... Feedback pasti! 
          Anak kaskus bukan? ✌ btw udh baca KTM tp versi kaskus nya 


@anthazagoraphobia okayy, i will read your storyy :3