Lord of the Night Realm returns with the serialization of Book II: Reunion starting on May 6, 2022! Here's the description, but be warned; there are spoilers for the end of Book I: Sojourn!
"With Isadore Renard's scheme put into motion, Ellie finds herself back in the Prime Realm with no recollection of her time away from home. But just as she begins assimilating back into normal life, Solarists execute a plan that involves her in an insidious way. What fate lies in store for Ellie and those she loves at the hand of her forgotten lover's nemesis?"
Please visit http://www.sennabyrd.com for more information and a look at the stunning cover illustration! Until then, stay tuned for further updates, and I hope you look forward to reading the continuation of Ellie and Janus’s tale!