
I would like to invite you to a new club, @ProjectReadersReact, a place where there is something for everyone. Readers can more readily find books because they are listed in a category. Writers can have books posted and get more recognition. Please remember to follow, read, vote, and comment on anything you like it really means a lot. Whatever you do don't give up on your stories, without them readers have no purpose. you might try downloading the free version of Grammarly, I think it would help you out.


It was a good chapter. The biggest advice is to go at the pace you feel comfortable with. Some people do better at a faster pace some at a slower pace. While you are writing it is easy to miss grammatical errors. The storyline was good you just need to make a few grammatical changes. If you want any more advice just leave a message on my conversations page and I will get back to you as soon as I can.


You could go back in time and detail how and what you are going to do to change things to make them right and once you have all the loose ends tied up things can work out for a happy ending. Make sure you throw some obstacles in there it makes for a good read.