
My exams are FINALLY over, so you can expect a real Epic Fail chapter pretty soon.  I am so sorry for my absence, but my life had been a complete mess until now.


Are you ever coming back? Your book is literally one of the best books I've ever read on Wattpad.


Thank you so much for replying! I'm definitely willing to wait considering how amazing and fantastic your book is. I hope your exam goes well! 
            P.S. I am quite fluent in the sleep deprived language so no worries because I understood everything. :)


@LoBsTeR_bLuE This is honestly one of the best things I've ever heard, thank you so much ❤️ I do plan on coming back, but I have a really important med school exam on 25th of July that's pretty much decisive for my future. I study until five in the morning every day, lol. However, after all this freaking madness is over I will DEFINITELY finish epic fail and also post a new story that I have been planning for some time. 
            I didn't think that there were people who still wanted to read my book after all this time, so thank you so much for your patience .
            P.S. I don't know how coherent my message is. I didn't sleep last night, lol.


Hey guys, 
          I know I've been freaking absent for most of the summer and september as well. My holiday was pretty much non existent but I'm back. Well, sort of...
          I've been writing the latest chapter of EF and it's hopefully going to be up by the end of the week along with the prologue/blurb of my next story. On Sunday I have a damn hard exam about the nervous system so I've already had  a bunch of sleepless nights. But don't worry I'll still manage to upload the chapter. 
          I hope you didn't forget about me *hugs*.


@RemainingNeutral  Now I'm back for real. So sorry for disappearing and not replying THREE MONTHS AGO. *hides under a rock*


i hope i don't sound needy asking this but when do you plan on updating epic fail? i got really into it and you haven't been updating for a while so i'm just curious.


Hey there, sorry for the late response. I'm almost done with the chapter and I'm pretty sure it's going to be up by the end of the week :)


so hi, i probably never said this but i just want to thank you for adding project pick up to your reading list. epic fail is such a great story and i almost fell off my chair when i saw that you added my story to your reading list! <3


Hey :) sorry for my super late response. Omg, no problem, your characters are absolutely adorable and the pick-up lines idea is awesome. I loved reading it <3