
i am working on updating kissing in cars, and completing that particular story! chapter 7 is now up, and i'll have chapter 8 up by tonight! xx


@sentimentallity gosh, i just read astrophobia and it's been 4 years- I was worried that something happened to you! thank god you're fine!


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
Heya ^^ , just to give a comment about the story "Somniphobia" , I started reading it around 1 am because I couldn't sleep , and I stayed up rill probably 3 am to finish it entirely , and fuck it was amazing , the story is just , woah , that was also , so , so dark and it literally gave me chills from the start to the end , it made me cry also , and inspired me a lot , and something intrigued me in that story , it's that uhm , the darkness and the depth of the characters and the story I never saw that before , that feeling that I had while reading it , something I couldnt describe , I rarely felt like that , but woah , istg that story is just amazing , super sad , but incredible


@Min_yoongiiz you forgot to mention the twist and the music how it fitted well !


Hi just a fan of yours passing by 
          Omgi love your fanfics you are really talented and thanks for writing Jihope stories I love jihope like hell
          But it's really hard to find anymore since I read all but omg I love your fanfics 
          Love you bye 
          Stay safe  


i am working on updating kissing in cars, and completing that particular story! chapter 7 is now up, and i'll have chapter 8 up by tonight! xx


@sentimentallity gosh, i just read astrophobia and it's been 4 years- I was worried that something happened to you! thank god you're fine!