
Hey munckins, 
          	Thank you for all the lovely comments and votes! And for the lovely banner (which is now my profile background.) Made by @GeorgieNewYork!
          	Thanks love.XXx


Please update your story soon, I really like where it's going and hoping to finish it. Although I would like for Rosa to be more confident and Feisty when it comes to Carson.  After all she is the boss of her own restaurant and a rich family. More like a revenge for leaving her. As for Dean/ Rosa keep it the way it is being great of friends/ brother like to Rosa. Dean giving advice. It would get Carson jealous because they would spend a lot of time together and that would leave Carson a bastard for leaving her.  And then realizes what his missing how he really wants Rosa. Overall I really like all the characters so far. So you don't need to edit just keep going.


It's been long since an update!!! Are you okay and could u inform us when will u update your book??? We are waiting for an update, so pls let us know when can u update... Will wait for your reply... Keep up the good work... Tc...