happy birthday alec. i miss you so much that i can’t put it into words. i miss our jalec time and how we would stay up talking in these massive paragraph convos, not really had that with anyone apart from you. we just were on this constant vibe, getting to know one another and it was amazing. you are amazing. you really get me and ugh i can’t wait for you to come live in my wine cellar ofc. you make me so incredibly happy when we talk. i love getting to know more and more about you, your family, your life. i feel like i have known you for ages when in reality, we just met a short while ago on my birthday. that was a special birthday for that very reason. you made it memorable. i won’t ever forget just staying awake till 3am talking to you and just telling you my life story haha. you’re so so so special to me alec and i love you. happy birthday my sweetheart, have an amazing one, hope your amazing MUM makes you the best cake. wish you were here to celebrate it with me.