          Hello there! I hope you are doing well and that things have gotten better. I just found your accounts today and you seem really sweet! I also noticed you had/have some medical things you are dealing with so I wanted to say that I'll be praying. 
          Feel free to dm me (only if you feel comfortable with that at any point or just need to vent). I'm not trying to be pushy or invasive (gosh I hope that doesn't come across that way-) but just wanted to say that so you could feel some support and comfort  from a stranger (which is my goal but I don't want to be invasive).
           Hope your days shine brighter.


@seokpastel Hope everything is okay ♡


@UN4S33N aw you're so sweet! thank you so so much, and no you don't come across like that! I actually just got back from intensive care so i'll be writing again <3


Hey are you on a hiatus ? Also will you continue the book trigger finger here? I just want to know which account to follow...


@Swarowski20 hello! idk if i'd call this hiatus but i have had some medical concerns and personal matters that i've been tending to recently. i will hopefully begin writing here again soon! As for Trigger Finger, I haven't decided yet.