
omg I can’t believe it’s been like 4 years since I’ve stan ateez 


Hallo I want to tell you that your story is very warm and made me rejoice. I am a person who does not like to read much, but when I started reading your story, I did not feel time or bored. I was very happy and I immersed myself with the characters and I loved them. I do not want you to see what you write is nonsense. Please, you are a rare and precious person for me. I have read many writers, but I did not feel what I felt with your story. I will always support you, so be well and know that what you write is not an ordinary thing. I hope you rejoice when you see my words. I wish you a happy day and wonderful days as wonderful as what you write. I love you. ❤️
          "Love's A Mess seongsang" 


oh god I started writing these stories like 4 years ago and made an account for fun like 3 years ago and I am cringing SO HARD RN!!!!!!! I am reading love’s a mess for the first time as a reader and I CANT!!!! it’s just so embarrassing for me but I’m fixing some errors in the story 


What happened to coffee wonderland? 


I know I got so scared I panicked!!! I haven’t confronted her about it but I’m pretty sure she must’ve found my account so embarrassing but I’ll still post them soon I think and thank you!!!


Don’t worry it’s okay one of my worst fears is someone I know finding my accounts  I’m excited for the book !!


I’m sorry I’ll get back to it I’ve just been so busy and I thought someone I knew found my account and I got stressed so I removed it cause that one was more   but I’ll put it up again soon sorry about that!! 


It’s been years I’m so sorry :(((  I kind of have a writers block for the woosan story like asdfsjakslsq I just can’t think of what to write and I’m just stuck on it idk why :((( I’ll think of something soon but for the barista story I’m going to update it real soon! If you read this ily!! Stay safe!!