
          	From the Dishonored game the first chapter of “The void in his heart”: The Outsider x reader
          	From the TV show Lord of the Rings - The Rings of Power the first chapter of “My heart sings to see you”: Elrond x reader


          From the Dishonored game the first chapter of “The void in his heart”: The Outsider x reader
          From the TV show Lord of the Rings - The Rings of Power the first chapter of “My heart sings to see you”: Elrond x reader


          Why me?: 20
          Looking into your eyes: 12
          That gentle melody: 6
          For “Why me?” I’ll take a little break until next month, read my comment in the story. If I’m posting little this month it’s because I have less time than usual, I’m finishing the preparations for the house I bought and I want to have my mind free from other thoughts. In the meantime I’ve already thought of a future story outside the COD world… do you know the game Dishonored? Well… next month expect a The Outsider x Reader ❤️ Please always let me know what you think, there’s no greater motivation than when someone leaves a comment expressing what the chapter left in their heart.


Hello everyone!
          In this section you can request stories regarding characters from the world of Call Of Duty. 
          I accept plots for one-shot stories or stories of a dozen chapters. 
          I use writing to keep my mind busy but I have run out of ideas by now, if you have plots in mind that you want to explore further you can make requests. Look at the stories I have already written so as not to repost a similar plot.
          - The COD protagonists I will consider are Ghost, Makarov, and Graves. They are the characters I am most comfortable with.
          - x Reader or x OC.
          - I also accept dynamic Alpha x Omega, but no malexmale.
          - They must all be 16 years or older.
          - I am looking for plots that are not often read around, or something that can be developed.
          - I like to describe real actions, attitudes, and events and not fanciful or fan girl ones. That way I can express my creativity by describing the emotions of the characters as best I can.
          - Alternate universes are also fine.
          I ask you to describe in as much detail as possible the story, the characters, the events, and the emotions you want the main characters to feel. I will be the one to elaborate and put the various elements together. 
          Requests will be closed on September 30.


          Why me?: 16
          Looking into your eyes: 8
          That gentle melody: 2
          Would you like to read a story where Makarov finds out he's a father? If you've read my other stories, you'll know it won't be an easy one. 
          Suggestions for future stories are also welcome, I will make a post later dedicated to them. If you already have ideas tell them to me. 


          Why me?: 14
          My eyes, Your eyes: Final chapter 
          Looking into your eyes: 6
          The end of a story always makes me very sad, but I'm happy to announce that I have three more stories ready to write!  My ideas never end 


          Looking into your eyes: 5
          Why me?: 12
          My eyes, Your eyes: 9
          August 16th will be my birthday, I will publish the next chapters on that day.  Your comments are always very kind and inspiring, vi voglio bene ragazzi! ❤️