
I haven't updated fics in a while and there's a reason. I have a new job and it's taking up most of my time. Unfortunately, fanfiction is at the bottom of my priorities atm. I do want to go and finish my fics but I just don't know when I'll have the time.


When will new life begin?


@BrokenGodess This is a hobby so there is no schedule.


@sephmeadowes could there possibly be an estimated time or will it just be whenever?


@BrokenGodess When I finish Impractical.


I haven't updated fics in a while and there's a reason. I have a new job and it's taking up most of my time. Unfortunately, fanfiction is at the bottom of my priorities atm. I do want to go and finish my fics but I just don't know when I'll have the time.


Tagged by @moonshards
          The rules:
          -it is necessary to post all the rules.
          -you have to say 13 things about yourself.
          -you can't refuse.
          -you shall complete this in one week,or the given punishment by the tagger.
          -you shall tag 15 other people to do this.
          1. I have Bipolar Disorder. Seriously.
          2. I'm an English major.
          3. The first story I ever wrote was about two sisters who owned a cursed bakery.
          4. I'm allergic to canola oil. 
          5. I love ice cream except for Rocky Road.
          6. I'm a massive Harry Potter fan.
          7. I consider make-up a form of art.
          8. I'm a vidder on Youtube.
          9. I hate lychees. 
          10. I learned to read tarot cards in high school out of boredom.
          11. I'm the "Mom" in my group of friends.
          12. I never learned to swim.
          13. I don't have a mind palace like Sherlock but more like a filing cabinet where I keep away all the stories and details about people I know.


@sephmeadowes I have to agree with you about the longan part. Never liked the taste too


@moonshards I didn't think I was allergic to anything either but well....canola oil is taken from a specific oilseed plant so I guess that's really my allergy. 
            I've never liked lychees because of the taste. I can barely stomach it if I have to. I also don't like longan. I'm okay with other fruit though.


@sephmeadowes That's...uhm....a very unique allergy. And I dont mean it in a good way. This is the first time I've heard of it. And this is also the first time I've ever heard someone hating lychees. 