
 "Do you believe in mermaids?"
          	     I roll my eyes. I pick up the book from the floor and throw it again, this time from a greater distance. I laugh. I look at his face, which is frozen, and I have no idea why I ended up talking to this man.
          	    "Darling, I even believe in flying pigs! Otherwise, what would life be?", I burst out. 
          	- chapter one ❤️


 "Do you believe in mermaids?"
               I roll my eyes. I pick up the book from the floor and throw it again, this time from a greater distance. I laugh. I look at his face, which is frozen, and I have no idea why I ended up talking to this man.
              "Darling, I even believe in flying pigs! Otherwise, what would life be?", I burst out. 
          - chapter one ❤️