this message may be offensive
hey...its been about a year since i've been on here, but i kind of need to rant and get something off my chest... today i skipped a whole day of school to take a day off for my mental health, and it was a bad decision. my mom yells at me and tells me to give her my phone. fine, she said i can get it back in the morning. but she called me a loser and told me that i was a waste of money for her... great... my mental health is declining way faster than before:') a friend of mine told me that my life was mess before he unfriended me, and yknow what? he's right. my life is a mess. i hate myself so much for putting me in this situation, and i dont deserve happiness, cause i always do shit to myself that ends up making me walk closer to the edge... what a strange thing called "self love"