
i change the link some readers comment ...try now or you can also go on my instagram there is also link available of my channel.


Can you tell when are you gonna give next update ??


@dodokapoor nah thank you you're great adviser and i don't mind the words from the people who genuinely cares for me ...i have no one's like that in my life.


@seraaiz I completely agree with u when that u put a lot of efforts in ur story to make it different nd better than other story lines nd plots but in the process of gaining ur target that too on other platform which is a bit high [the target] is a bit too realistic nd the fear that u might loose ur genuine readers who loved ur story is wht scars me most it's all up to u as it is ur story ur hardwork but even as a writer u have to think abt the readers up to a certain extent as this platform is abt engaging the stories b/w the writer nd readers I hope u get a point from my blabbering don't mind if any of my point is insensitive  


@currenttime thank you so much for given time to write and give me advice really touched my heart you're right sometimes we have to seprate the plot but believe me i am going to write a very intersting stories on youtube in english that's why i want to prepare the channel ahead.
            and to say bluntly people read your stuff not giving you appreciation is hurt so hurt that you don't want to write and a certain amount of people read your chapter but can't fulfilled the target makes you somewhat mad ......
            if i say i am giving honestly update as i promised and then not 20 people even fulfilled the target won't it hurt you ?


Dear author I am not able to find out your youtube channel please can you send me a link for your youtube profile 


@joniposwal10 write channel name instead( seraaizwritten Novels) okay and other wise here's the link