whaddup. its been a while hehe!!!
so yes. i've taken a little break from writing. nothing serious, just needed a little space to air out my head and get out proper thoughts. that doesn't mean i haven't been planning stuff for my works!! i have hehe
my kenhina fic is coming to a close soon, and will be wrapped up in october (around kenma's birthday). that's five months of pure work !!! and frankly one of my favorite works to write hehe. apotelesma will probably end some time around next year HAHAHAHAH with the way i've paced it out, i can't see it ending any time soon. so yay!!! its just gonna take a while to update but its my first work since coming back here and i love it so much,,,,so it won't end for a while. my iwaoi!!! was supposed to finish during iwaoi week but i was so overwhelmed by haikyuu ending that i just never finished it. but soon!!! i'm completing it by the end of august. with the closure of iwaoi and kenhina i'll probably bring my atsuyaku here and other related haikyuu fics. but yeah that's the plan!!! i'm sorry for the long wait ;-;