
this is really random but i'm like literally so proud of myself for making my wattpad bio it's so pretty slkfjdfjsfskfjdsfdsk


irene are you still alive 


@byeyallimdone hiiii omg it's been a while ahaha. i've been really busy with school so i ended up cancelling my novel :((( i most likely will very rarely be active on here. if you want to contact me, you can find me on discord (irene#3083) and i'm also somewhat active on tumblr so you can dm me for username :D


Irene woman. I'm pretty sure you don't know me but wow. Your answer to 'who are the most fake kpop idols' popped up on my mail. It was just a qoura recommendation email and I clicked. I read your answer. And I cried. I checked. You're account was deactivated but you're answers weren't. I scrolled and read through all. And every single just broke my heart more and more. Not because that it was bad or anything. Because you made me feel exactly like you wrote. Just pure scenarios. You framed your answers so perfectly that you made a 17 year old cry for 30 minutes. Truly I  feel honored that I didn't skip this quora recommendation. That was a roller coaster and  now I'm here. I normally don't look up people individually but I just had the urge to search you up and tell you how good of a writer you are. Expect a new fan of bloom. See you on chapter 4 Irene. 


@SanskritiShorya ahhhh tysm~!! i'll need the luck T-T
            it's so cool that you're from india owo i'm actually ethnically chinese but american by nationality so my english is pretty good bc i've been raised in america lol but i can also speak mandarin (but not that well sobs) also it's so cool that you know how to dance !! whenever i try to dance i look dumb asf so i don't even try anymore LMAO


@sereinixm you're so cute. Take your time lovely. There's nothing wrong taking time to make art. And good luck with the piano pieces as well. I truly hope you win. Also daaammmn. Talented girl. You write beautifully and know piano. And here I am. I can't even dance well. I mean I can but not that Good. I'm trying to improve Tho. Also I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Sans. And I'm from India. I know you're Chinese so wow. You're English is amazing as well. 


@SanskritiShorya oh my god-- thank you so much, love!! i'm so honored that you found my answers interesting. i was having such a rough day today so this really made my day so so much better :)) as a writer i'm so happy/honored that you enjoyed my answers and i'm really glad that you've become a fan of bloom as well haha i've been really busy lately (i've had to record my piano pieces for a competition) so i haven't found too much time to write but hopefully i'll upload chapter 4 by the weekend~!! again, thank you so much adkfjadlkfjdaslkfj <3333


hey irene! i saw your answers on quora and was totally hooked, especially the hwayoung one. can't wait to see what you write next, so excited!


@byeyallimdone omg as in the really pretty singer?? nonono lmfao i'm not related to her ahaha


@byeyallimdone omg asfkajflasjfldsakj thank you thank you T-T


@sereinixm btw are you related to lexie liu?


Hello! Irene Liu! This is Mika from Kuora!!


@beijingpuppyy oh, it's totally fine! and yes, irene is fine :) i hope your new book goes on well !!


@sereinixm okay. Thanks for the tip! It's really hard to write a mystery one , I'm writing another book now. sorry for calling you unnie, I'll call you Irene only then. is that okay? :D


@beijingpuppyy umm, it depends on the novel but with a mystery one i feel like it would be really good to plan like what happened before you write the book (like the truth about everything the characters did) and then make everything confusing (since it's meant to be mystery) lmao let me know if that made any sense at all T-T. about the unnie thing -- i would prefer not to be called unnie simply because i feel like it fetishizes the korean language a little. but i don't mind it too much, ig you could call me unnie if you wanted to :)