Wattpad it has been far too long. I wish to go back to writing. What do you guys think of this premise? A rich, handsome lost soul who has nothing to live for meets a girl on a sabbatical before finally becoming a full pledged nun? Any thoughts? Hahahhaah This has been running on my mind for years and years now.
Wattpad it has been far too long. I wish to go back to writing. What do you guys think of this premise? A rich, handsome lost soul who has nothing to live for meets a girl on a sabbatical before finally becoming a full pledged nun? Any thoughts? Hahahhaah This has been running on my mind for years and years now.
This plot has been buzzing in my head for two years now. i never had the time nor the energy to write, not until last night, when it refused to let me sleep. they are totally fictional characters. i hope you still find time to read it. they are close to my heart and now im sharing them with you. its been a long time.
I have been on hiatus for far too long! I wanna scrap all the old stories i wrote! I wanna write something with totally anonymous characters! Like totally fiction! Are you gonna read it!? Lol miss interacting with you guys! Heheheheh
Was reading through my previous works because i had nothing better to do! Now i am cringing in my bed, wanting to hide under a rock! Did i really write those cheesy shits? Lol omg! Unrealistic but oh hell! Thats how we all improve and grow in writing i guess! Hahahaha anyway nobody would care but just ranting here!