Hi i just want to apologize for the promise i failed to keep which was to release a book known as "lost the found" just 3 days ago and i want to apologize for that im sorry and i hope you guys have a great day.
Hi i just want to apologize for the promise i failed to keep which was to release a book known as "lost the found" just 3 days ago and i want to apologize for that im sorry and i hope you guys have a great day.
The bible is a hard book to read but there is this team in Portland Oregon known as the bible project that will help you read the bible through awesome and high definition animation that explains the structure of the bible the link to there website is up on top of this message.
Sorry i forgot this is a message from the team "you can support the bible project by donating a few dollars or a lot of dollars or become a monthly Donner and you get a free poster of book in the bible that they drew out that explains that book as a comic strip and you can choose what book you want in the form of a poster and they will send it to you. This by sending $10 a month by clicking monthly Donner on the website. All this at "join the bible project .com"
Tomorrow they release the "wisdom of job"
The bible project is a team that will help you read the bible for your self through amazing animation you can find them on Facebook and YouTube under the name bible project.