
the urge for me to delete my fanfictions that I wrote when I was 13 but I won't because I know somewhere out there, it's someones favorite fanfiction and it would break their heart :(


@ seriouslyepic  totally me


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Okay change of plans. My stupid ass wrote some nasty ass shit including characters that were my age at the time so I will be taking down those since I'm almost legally an adult and I dont want people thinking I'm into children or anything. For anyone wondering what book it was, it was the My Hero Academy book that included my OC that is 15 years old in the book. I've taken it down and I will rewrite it. Last post I promise!


Hey guys. I know it's almost been a year since my last post, but this will be the last one. I'm leaving Wattpad. There might be one day that I come back, but I highly doubt it. I've graduated high school and started working full-time. I'm going to college to be an RN and start my life. It's been quite the adventure writing these fan fictions for anyone who also shared my interests. Thank you to everyone who gave me the spark to write these books, it personally has helped my writing skill VERY much. I've been on here since 6th grade, which was so long ago. Any requests on books will be discontinued as well as my books. Sorry if you all were wanting updates on them, but I am just too busy with being an adult (disgusting). I will keep the books up, but I will no longer will be touching them (unless as mentioned before, I come back, which probably won't happen). Peace out everyone!


Following up with Child Abuse Awareness Month, I am going to write a book specifically for the awareness of it. There are too many stories that have not been heard from children from their abuse. As a abuse survivor, I will devote this month into making a possibly short story about it (Probably 20 chapters or so).